Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 31.1904

DOI issue:
No. 133 (April, 1904)
DOI article:
Modern Russian art: some leading painters of Moscow
DOI article:
[An important judgment]
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An Important Judgment

the small towns of Central
Russia reproduce with rare
felicity and truth the poetic
glamour and oriental rich-
ness of colouring character-
istic of the original scenes
at certain times.

The art of Russia is un-
fortunately too little known
outside the borders of its
own country, and in future
numbers of The Studio an
attempt will be made to do
justice from time to time to
the talents of the leading
modern painters and sculp-
tors of the Empire. E. P.

A judgment of con-
siderable interest and im-
portance to artists working
in England was delivered
on February 29th by Judge
Stonor at Marylebone. The
facts of the case are clearly
stated in the judgment,
which ran as follows :—

The plaintiff, Mr. Fry
ot St. John's Wood, an
artist of standing, who had
several times exhibited at
the Royal Academy, sued
the defendant, Mrs. Nina
Sinclair—wife of the M.P. "portrait of a child" by l. pastemak
