Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 31.1904

DOI Heft:
No. 133 (April, 1904)
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Studio- Talk

Mr. W. L. Wyllie, and
Mr. R. W. Macbeth. A
small series of engravings
by Mantegna was included
in the show.

To a great many col-
lectors the gathering of
English and foreign pewter
plate, which has recently
been on view in the Hall
of Clifford's Inn, must
have been particularly in-
teresting. It included a
great many important
pieces, and illustrated with
reasonable completeness
the multiplicity of uses to
which pewter was put in
bygone days. It proved,
moreover, what an excellent
appreciation of the genius
of the material was pos-
sessed by the English
pewterers, and how well
they understood the pur-
poses to which it could
be most suitably applied.
The dignity and repose of
the English work, its quiet
strength and honesty of
design, compared effect-
ively with the over-elabora-


tion and over ornamenta-
tion of the German and

Austrian specimens. To modern workers, the his canvas. The human interest in his landscapes

lessons afforded by the exhibition should be of is not absent, and here and there we find animals

much value; it certainly showed, in an indis- rendered with great fidelity. Mr. Gruppe does

putable manner, what an obligation there is upon not confine himself to one type of landscape; but

the designer to consider the character of the he is at his best where the brown sails upon the

material with which he has to deal, and how much canals and the wings of windmills against the sky

his reputation for correct taste depends upon the call forth the skill with which he saves the long

•way in which he fulfils this obligation. distances of Holland from any appearance of mono-

-- tony. This feeling for distance is in evidence in

At the Holland Fine Art Gallery Mr. Charles his best works; but where intricate detail meets

Gruppe recently held an exhibition of oil paintings him in the foreground it is handled with consider-

done in Holland. Mr. Gruppe is an American, but able skill, as in our illustration, where the boats

his work receives its impulse from modern Dutch are drawn up beside the water, and the masts,

art. We reproduce four of his works here. They alternating with the trunks of the trees, screen the

display breadth of treatment and of colour, and canal-side houses. To paint this so that everything

there is a sense of the open air to be felt in all of explains itself, and to avoid in the picture any

them. His pictures are well filled, and he possesses unpleasant sensation of confusion, is in itself an

the knowledge which enables him to bring the achievement making the greatest demand upon the

winding canals and flat country into range upon resources of an artist.