Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 31.1904

DOI Heft:
No. 133 (April, 1904)
DOI Artikel:
Williams, Leonard: Joaquin Sorolla and Spanish painting of to-day
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Studio- Talk

and in Sorolla's work it
echoes also. See how he
worships light and colour ;
not as dead, convenient
masses, but as symbolizing
life—life the Supreme,
the Actual, the Unavoid-
able ; the life that pulses
within the myriad-coloured
earth, furrowed by in-
numerable bread-winners;
the life that pervades
alike the sapphire waters
of the south, and the
emerald or gray - green
billows of the sad Canta-
brian shore ; the valleys of
Asturias, or the Valencian
orchard-wall, a natural,
a living vermilion that
throbs with terrible in-

" a valencian fisher lass " by joaquin soROixA tensity against the glossy

foliage : the life that per-
vades everything and every-

to the most preposterous. Their practice reminds body ;—the fishermen's hats, yellow as nodding
me of the fans (made in France and sold in every buttercups, the proudly swelling sail, the fluttering
Spanish city to the unsuspecting tourist) portraying, skirts and kerchiefs of the women, the oxen, dun or
in the wildest terms, the multifold incidents of a red, who beach the boats with simple majesty, the
corrida. Of course these pictures and these fans gleaming skins of the naked urchins splashing in
are duly bought and gloried in, so who is to the living foam.

complain ? Still, it seems a pity that any faithful Such is the message that this Spanish painter
study of modern Spanish life is prone, on travers- hears and truthfully echoes,
ing the Pyrenees, to be derided as untrue. The Leonard Williams.

subject of this article has told me that even the

best of the Parisian critiques upon his work wound STUDIO-TALK.

up as follows : " Senor Sorolla is a good painter, (From our Own Correspondents.)

a very good painter; but why does he not paint W ONDON.—The exhibition of the Royal

Spanish scenes ? " Society of Painter-Etchers was an excel-

"What do they want?" he queries plaintively. lent display of sound and well-treated

"Ami to perpetrate for them a modern Spanish * » work, without any sensational features, but
gentleman in a cheese-shaped hat and fringed thoroughly interesting to all students of the etcher's
leggings ; or a Spanish duchess hanging from a art. The most memorable contributions were the
bull-fighter's neck ? I can assure you that I do but Assist, October Evening, by Mr. Axel Herman
paint my country as she is; my countrymen as Haig; Mr. E. W. Charlton's shipping subjects,
they are." Sisters and From River to Sea ; the Coup de Vent

Time will bring him juster treatment. He can and Repos au Bord de la Riviere, by M. Legros;
afford to wait. Sorolla is only just upon the verge Sir Charles Holroyd's series of plates of landscape,
of forty, and looks the very pink of health and architectural, and figure subjects; M. Helleu's
strength. Apart from his huge artistic powers, he dainty studies; M. Chahine's Portrait de Mme.
has a high ideal, unflagging industry, unflinching Louise France; Mr. C. W. Sherborn's book-plates ;
resolution. He reads aright the needs of Spain. and the vigorous etchings, notable for their fine
" Hang up the musket or the Mauser, and take in decorative qualities, by Mr. Alfred East and Mr.
hand your sickle or your spade." Such is the Frank Brangwyn. There were good things also
message with which she thrills her children's ears, from Miss Nichols, Miss Sloane, Miss Bolingbroke
