Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 31.1904

DOI Heft:
No. 133 (April, 1904)
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of them used to think but little are becoming available, as well as of conserving the arts of
both honourable and profitable, and that the weaving and embroidery, which it finds already
woman who can practise them is of more value well developed,
both to her husband and to her children than

formerly. The Indian arts are also represented at the

shop, some of the specimens being remarkably
Not only is a market supplied for the native-born good. The Association is not yet in a position
Canadians, but where immigrant colonies are formed to deal financially with the passing Indian arts,
their particular industries are looked into, and they which are quite unique and often beautiful, in a
are offered sale for their work. This is already way to prevent their deterioration. It is hoped,
being done in the case of the Doukhobours, whose however, that before long this, too, will become
fine Russian embroideries are a source of much possible. M. A. P.

profit to them. The Association is also in touch
with the Galician settlement in the Far North-
West, and is in hopes of reviving among them
the potter's art, for which many good clays are The Armoury of Windsor Castle. By Guy

Francis Laking, M.V.O.,
F.S.A. (London : Brad-
bury, Agnew& Co.) £s$s.
net.—Owing to the com-
plete revolution in the
practice of warfare which
resulted from the introduc-
tion of gun-powder, the
making of armour, which
is no real protection from
arms of precision, became
practically a lost art ;
the beautiful suits, for
the production of which
the highest technical and
aesthetic skill was required,
gradually degenerating
into mere piecemeal frag-
ments, worn as embellish-
ments at parade, but
discarded in actual cam-
paigns. A decline which
was caused by the
accidental cessation of a
demand must not, how-
ever, be looked upon as a
decadence, and the noble
traditions of the mediaeval
armour makers were ably
sustained by their suc-
cessors, the weapons turned
out by them being, many
of them, not only master-
pieces of handicraft but
worthy to rank as works
ot art, on account of

silver centre-piece designed by otto lohr beaU,ty °f their

executed by eduard steinicken design and ornamentation.