Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 34.1905

DOI Heft:
Nr. 144 (March 1905)
DOI Artikel:
Oliver, Maude I. G.: Belgian art at the St. Louis exhibition
DOI Artikel:
Some recent designs for domestic architecture
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Recent Designs for Domestic Architecttire


We give this month illus-
trations of the entrance
front, the garden front, and
a side view of JVorney,
Skackleford, near Godalm-
ing, a house designed by
Mr. C. F. A. Voysey for
the Rev. Canon Grane.
The photographs from
which the reproductions
were made were taken
before the house was en-
tirely completed. It is now
covered with creepers, and
the gardens and grounds,

lodge at " NO'rney," shack l.eford c f. a. voysey, architect , . , j c u .-

which extend for about
twenty acres, are elaborately

suggestive of Byzantine severity, is yet very real, laid out and beautifully wooded. The materials

very modern and very devotional in thought. It employed for the house are brick and cement

shows the kneeling form of a young woman, her rough-cast, with Westmorland green slate for the

hands clasped at her throat, her head inclined, her roof and oak joinery inside. The casements are

countenance fervid with intensity. For frank, in iron, and Monks Park stone has been used for

honest portraiture, there can be no more excellent the window dressings and Portland stone for the

specimen than the bust of the sculptor Dillens, by porch, chimney caps, and all exposed places. An

Jules Lagae, and for a sweet alluring lyric no more illustration is also given of the entrance lodge,
delightful subject could be
given than the Angel fo
Ho?ne, by the same artist.

This concerted effort ..■
on the part of individual ^ ^=*=31V

artists to follow to a con- , .

elusion the art questions \ dfEf |j

of the day is bound to - ^~*J: _ 1 E^jtmSM

place Belgium in a con- ,,|| l LdgflK&SBK

spicuous position among ^ (■■•■•■JHi * )BKnP^^9

her sister nations in the ^mamm***^^^^™** r—^U Tflfii^aMl

fi Id. ^ A d, 'f h w \ ^ ^^^^^^^88^^^

cerity that characterised PHML i 1 ) iSm ** ■" J», '.^-rtt^B^^HBI

the early flemish school, HH^^H'r -

movement, who have con- ^^^^^BH^^ im i'1'1 ^^^^^^ ^

well feel that they had met

with gratifying results. " norney," shackleford c. f. a. voysey, architect
