Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 37.1906

DOI issue:
No. 158 (May, 1906)
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Reviews and notices
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Reviews and Notices


him rank in his profession, this interesting collec-
tion established the fact that along with an amazing
industry Mr. Young certainly possesses an adequate
endowment of artistic skill, for the general standard
there reached was high. Many of his pictures
have the appearance of having been painted out-
of-doors directly from nature, and yet they are far
from looking like mere studies. The picture
Midwinter, for example, conveys a correct and
faithful impression of a scene evidently worked up
on the spot, and the result is quite satisfying from
a pictorial point of view. In another of his
paintings, The Frozen Mill Race, which we
remember seeing at his exhibition, there was
shown a decided influence derived from a study of
works by artists of the Dutch School. E. C.


Historic Dress, 160J-1800. By Elizabeth
McClennan. (London: John Lane; Philadelphia:
Jacobs.) 425. net.—In her preface to this deeply
interesting volume, containing several hundred fine
illustrations, many of them in colour after draw-
ings by Sybil B. Steele, the author quotes the
ancient dictum, " Fashion wears out more apparel
than the man." This fact has led to the preserva-
tion of many beautiful costumes which would
otherwise have been hopelessly lost. Such relics
are, indeed, most valuable heirlooms, for they
reflect the idiosyncrasies of their wearers and form

an excellent supplement to the portraits, old prints,
and descriptions in the contemporary press and in
private correspondence which are the chief sources
of information on the dress of days gone by,
all of which have been most admirably turned
to account by Miss McClennan. Gifted with a
methodical mind and a vivid imagination, she
recognises the romance that is intimately bound
up with her fascinating subject, and has woven
into her narrative many racy anecdotes and
quotations from the flotsam and jetsam of the
literature of the two centuries she has chosen to
treat, such as suggestions from the Virginia
Company for the outfit of emigrants, inventories of
aristocratic wardrobes, lists of pedlars' wares,
quaint old songs and ballads, etc. She prefaces
the consideration of the costumes of the English
and Dutch settlers with a brief review of the
garments worn by Spanish gentlemen, soldiers and
priests in Florida and Canada, and by the early
French settlers in Louisiana and the Mississippi
valley. The English in Maryland, Virginia,
the Barbadoes and the Carolinas are given
precedence to their contemporaries in Massa-
chusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine and
Rhode Island, the illustrations in the two chapters-
bringing out forcibly the contrast between the
gaily garbed adventurers and their ladies exiled
from the English Court in the Stuart troubles and
the sombre raiment of the Pilgrim Fathers and