Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 39.1907

DOI Heft:
No. 163 (October, 1906)
DOI Artikel:
East, Alfred: Pencil-drawing from nature
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Pencil-Drawing from Nattire

been so much better had you been able to add your sketching with a point, and your drawing
another three inches to the top ; but, alas ! you will gain in directness and virility in proportion to
have not sufficient canvas now. Had you made a the time you devote to its practice,
study in line of the placing of the masses within Draw the outline of the trees with an edge which
the page of your book, you would have avoided suggests the foliage. It would be better to draw
the calamity. Not only is pencil-drawing from the foliage first and then draw the branch which
nature an aid to memory and the knowledge of will reasonably support it. The weight of the
form, but it is an excellent aid to good 'composition, masses of foliage must have an adequate support.

Get a large sketch-book about 15 ins. by 12 ins., The branches must be attached to the trunk with
with medium grain paper, not quite white' (because that peculiar articulation which is characteristic of
the reflection from white paper when drawing in its species.

the open air is trying to the eyes), and a pencil You will quickly see what are the general
with a loose lead—one of those which screw up peculiarities of the ash, elm or oak. You will
the lead about one-eighth of an inch thick. Take learn so much of their habits that you will very
an ash-tree, for instance, like the illustration, given clearly gauge what they would do were their local
on page3o, and sit down and draw first of all conditions changed. And if you put a tree in your
with an exceedingly light

touch, the general outline - -------

of the big masses, the sweep

of the outline, the trend of

the branches, and the strong

curves of the trunk ; you Y _

can still with a light touch

suggest any alteration in I 7->"

the disposition of the •

masses of light and shade, «£. .

of the placing of your trees, v_yj£. ;.-. -' '•

etc., within the page of ''O - ■ ^t^a'^^^ "

your paper. W . ^SjBftk» % **

When you have made a ^ .^f^-- ,£ \ "

number of attempts to find '|\Wi3 i-"'T" '•'
the best arrangement of the

material of nature (a yard / •0$

this way or that in the »S

selection of a point of view <t \ , " f ■

may totally change your J... ,'■] : •f*^^^S<i^<y S / , , •

composition) ; when you '"' vl? 'wiMr

have made the trial lines,
and suggested in the faint-
est possible manner where

the masses come, then at- j*'. ^' '. 1 "" ' V i i ■ .''^ ' ' •' - 7

tack your subject with frank f ~j | ■ ■ , VJijL , IfJSj

fearlessness. Never mind , • 1 ?? i "4 'SftZ'Jfi^

about rubbing out your \, L > V Wm

trial lines, they will and '" " . 'g <*$ ';J Y:

should serve as guides to •- i .' /"' '

draw in your outline with >Jjfl§jX; a> , % ■ ■■ { K ■

the strong vigour and cou- , 'Xtf .'yuLf H v..... '-'^fi

rage which comes of confi- iT^a?!

dence. Don't use india- '"'M-*7"< •/,. ,, . .?> .

rubber except as a very last

resource. There is no need t^- A ^
of it, and with sufficient


practice you will enjoy (By permission of Fairfax Murray. Esq.)
