Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 39.1907

DOI issue:
No. 164 (November, 1906)
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Reviews and notices
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Awards in "The Studio" prize competitions
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Awards in " The Studio" Prize Competitions


" Northern Spain." Painted and described by Edgar T. A.

Wigram. 20s. net. (A. & C. Black.)
" In Constable's Country.'' With many Reproductions from

his Paintings. By Herbert W. Tompkins. \2s. 6d.

net. (J. M. Dent & Co.)
" The Note-Books of Leonardo da Vinci." Arranged and

rendered into English, with introductions, by Edward

McCurdy, M.A. Illustrated. 8s. net. (Duckworth.)
"Correggio." By T. Sturge Moore. Illustrated. Js. 6d.

net. (Duckworth.)
" Watteau." By Camille Mauclair. (Pop. Library of Art.)

2s. 6d. leather, 2s. cloth (net). (Duckworth.)
"Oxford Union Society. The Story of the Painting of the

Pictures on the Walls and the Decorations on the Ceiling

of the Old Debating Hall, etc." By W. Holman Hunt,

O.M., D.C.L. Illustrated. 10j.6rf.net. (HenryFrowde.)
" Biedermeier-Motive." Entworfen von H. Comploj. 12

Col. Plates, lomk. (J. Ileim, Vienna.)
"The Child's Life of |esus." By C. M. Steedman. 30C0I.

Pictures by Paul WoodrofTe. io*. 6d. net. (T. C. & E. C.


" Lotus Land. Being an Account of the Country and the
People of Southern Siam." By P. A. Thompson, B.A.
Illustrated. 16s. net. (T. Werner Laurie.)
'Botticelli." Par C. Diehl. Illustrated. (Librairie de
FArt Ancien et Moderne.)

" Manchester Sketches." By F. L. Emanuel. 2s. 6d.
("Manchester Guardian.")

"Aims and Ideals in Art." By G. Clausen, A.R.A., R.W.S.
Illustrated. 5^. net. (Methuen.)

"A Glossary of Terms used in English Architecture." By
Thomas Dinham Atkinson, Architect. 265 Illustra-
tions. 3-r. 6d. net. (Methuen.)

" Behind the Veil." Written by Ethel Rolt Wheeler. Illus-
trated by Austin O. Spare. (D. Nutt.)

" The Early Work of Raphael." By Mrs. Henry Ady.
" Fair Women." By Wm. Sharp. (Illustrated Pocket
Libraiy.) Cloth, 2s. net each. (Seeley & Co.)

"Practical Stencil Work." By F. Scott-Mitchell. Illus-
trated. ("The Decorator" Series of Practical Hand-
books, No. 2 ) y. (Trades' Papers Publishing Co., Ltd.)

" Saunteringsin Spain." By Frederick H. A. Seymour. 24
Illustrations. 10s. 6d. net." (T. Fisher Unwin.)

" Clive of Clare College." By J. Harwood Panting. "Kid-
napped by Pirates." By S. Walkey. " Loyal and True "
and "The Second-Form Master of St. Cyril's." By
H. Escott-Inman. Illustrated. Each 3s. 6d. (F.
Warne & Co.)

" Randolph Caldecott's Miniature Picture Book." Nos. I &
2. Coloured Plates and Outline Sketches, is. net each.
" The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher." By Beatrix Potter.
Illustrated in Colours. Is. 6d. and is. net. (F.
Warne & Co.)


Class A. Decorative Art.
A xxxiv. Design for a Cushion Cover.

Some of the competitors who have sent in otherwise
excellent work, have overlooked one essential in a design or
this character, namely, that it should either be, as in the
two prize designs, concentric, or otherwise adapted to
change of position, a cushion being a thing which is con-
stantly moved.

First Prize (Three Guineas'): Bathbun (Miss Gladys
Pitcairn Bookless, The Pentlands, Eastbourne).

Second Prize (Two Guineas): Clematis (M. Martini,
832 Kleverlaan, Haarlem, Holland).

Hon. Mention : Fram (Jessie R. Whyte) ; Rododendro
(Oreste Pizio); Club (Amy Hinton); Hulton (Albert E.
Oldham) ; Merry (Thos. Frost); Raru (F. Watts); Octavia
(Fanny Pickering); Teazel (C. W. Roescher); Tint (Milly

Class B. Pictorial Art.
B xxiv. A New Year's Greeting Card.

First Prize (Two Guineas'): Glanville (H. G. Spooner,
38 Grosvenor Road, Word, Essex).

Second Prize (One Guinea): Isca (Ethel Larcombe,
Wilton Place, St. James's, Exeter).

Hon. Mention: Alastor (R. S. Angell); Anael (N. C
Bishop-Culpeper); Crab (K. C B. James); G. H. (G. Hal-
ford) ; [anet (Janet S. Oram); Jeanne d^Arc (Miss M. J.
Hall); Novax (Frank P. Newbould); Pan (F. H. Ball);
Peter (P. Brown).

B xxv. A Figure Study in Red and Black Chalk.

(This competition has been, on the whole, rather dis-
appointing, in that many of the competitors have failed to
observe the conditions. Some of the drawings appear to
have been copied from existing pictures, and are not drawn
from life. Others are drawn in black chalk only, and not in
red and black chalk, as defined in the announcement. The
judges award the prizes below, but do not consider that any
of the drawings received are of quite sufficient interest to
justify reproduction.

First Prize (Two Guineas) : Sona (Valerie Jeiteles,
I. Schottenring 9, Vienna). Second Prize (One Guinea) :
Voeke (Rene Scheepers, 39 Rempart des Beguines, Antwerp).
Hon. Mention: Alastor (R. S. Angell); Dady (Ada
Rocchi) ; Elm (Titus Helme) ; Kismet (Jane Pawsey); My
Brother (E. R. Marks) ; Novice (R. J. Hewitt); Tracy
(Evelyn A. Hewitt).

Class C. Photographs from Nature.
C xxv. Studies in Tone Relations. 6. An Archi-
tectural Interior.

(The two Prize Photographs will be reprodticed in 02ir
next Number.)

First Prize (One Guinea) : Troutbeck (James Dunlop,
Myrtle Bank, Motherwell, N.B.). Second Prize (Halt-a-
Guinea): Walrus (W'. R. Kay, Highfield, Itchen, Southamp-
ton). HON. Mention : Broughty (V. C. Baird); Camera
(W. T. Clegg); Cathedra (W. A. Clark) ; Jean Lys (Capi-
taine Lipiere); Leukos (W. E. C. White); One of the Crowd
(F. Taylor); Rosel (Gustav Mautner).


The designs submitted for these competitions were, on the
average, disappointing. Generally they betrayed that lack of
originality and artistic invention which is more or less evi-
dent in every branch of Decorative Art in this country at the
present time. This weakness is the more to be deplored in
view of the great advance which has been made on the
Continent during the last few years—especially in Austria,
a.';d hardly less so in Germany. In these countries the
revival of the Arts and Crafts is due almost entirely to the
influence of the Scottish and English Schools, yet while they
have been advancing in a most remarkable degree we appa-
rently have been standing still. The Dining-Room designs
