Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 40.1907

DOI issue:
Nr. 168 (March 1907)
DOI article:
Baldry, Alfred Lys: The recent work of Mr. J. Walter West, R.W.S.
DOI article:
Levetus, A. S.: Schloss Tratzberg in north Tyrol
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T'rat zb erg

much to the interest of every serious work of art.
A thorough craftsman, he is also a sensitive
colourist who plays with colour harmonies and
contrasts in a manner that shows how much
pleasure he derives from the working out of subtle
chromatic problems. In all his technical devices
he is very evidently influenced by his love of
decorative effect; it affects the manner of his art
quite as definitely as it does his conviction with
regard to choice of material. That this decorative
inclination should have grown upon him with the
lapse of years is a very welcome sign, for it proves
how well he has considered his responsibilities and
how, as he has matured, he has recognised what are
the obligations which the artist must fulfil if he
desires to be something more than a mere recorder
of little things. A. L. B.

Schloss tratzberg in


Although Schloss Tratzberg is mentioned in
Baedeker as being situated on the mountain slope

(Stanserjoch), two and a quarter miles to the west of
Jenbach, few travellers make halt to visit this beauti-
ful chateau, perhaps the most beautiful in all Tyrol,
north or south. They are either in too great a
hurry to get to Bad Gastein, Salzburg, or some other
well-known health or summer resort, or else rush
across the Brenner from Innsbruck without a pause
to see the many pearls which Tyrol offers to those
who seek them; the mountains being as yet the
only attraction to the great majority. But Tratzberg
is a lovely castle, and of all the numerous chateaux
in this part of the Austrian Empire it is the best
preserved. From its mountain height it commands
the whole valley of the Inn, whose broad waters
smilingly and enticingly wind their way like a
silver band through the valley, flanked by mighty
mountains. I know of no more beauteous spot,
either by day when the blue depth of the sky
seems to touch the waters and the sun pierces
them with his rays till they radiate like precious
stones, or at night when the moon unfolds her
sombre drapery and displays her broad silver
belt and the stars seem to dance to meet her.
The sight as you stand on the old bridge below,

