Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 41.1907

DOI Heft:
No. 171 (June, 1907)
DOI Artikel:
Dibdin, E. Rimbault: Mr. E. A. Hornel's paintings of children and flowers
DOI Artikel:
Covey, Arthur Sinclair: The Venice exhibition: Mr. Brangwyn's decorative panels in the British section
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Mr. Brangwyn s Decorative Panels at Venice

"venetian serenaders ' by frank brangwyn, a.r.a.

colour. I do not always see facts as he draws look forward with eager anticipation to the result,
them, but that is because facts are less important to The land and its flowers are new and splendid; its
him than the radiant and fascinating fantasies that naked babies are copper - coloured; it is full of
he weaves from them. wonders that have been little noticed by European

The usual method with children is to get them art. E. R. D.

in your studio, keep them as quiet as you can with _

the aid of relatives, lollipops, and anecdotes, and 'T^HE VENICE EXHIBITION : MR.
paint them in a set pose. Hornel's method is BRANGWYN'S DECORATIVE

different and better; he has a fine old house in PANELS IN THE BRITISH

Kirkcudbright, set in a large old garden, and he has *
improved its amenity by buying and demolishing or

improving undesirable surroundings. All about The features of the British Room as designed
his doors are the children of the poor, many of and decorated by Frank Brangwyn two years ago,
them with that peculiar and
fascinating red hair of Gal-
loway which he has so often
painted and is said to be
unlike any human crop.
His garden is full of flowers,
and the flowers of human-
ity are free to come in from
the street and enjoy them-
selves in it. He meanwhile
studies and paints them,
the flowers and the chil-
dren, in the open air. Thus
his pictures are always
spontaneous, full of day-
light and lovely in colour.
There never was a more
thorough - going impres-

Early"this year I wished
Hornel and his sister God-
speed before they sailed
for Ceylon, where he has
gone in quest of new in-
spiration, just as he went off
some fourteen years ago

with Henry to Japan. I sketch for panel by frank brangwyn, a.r.a.
