Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 41.1907

DOI issue:
No. 172 (July, 1907)
DOI article:
The salon of the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts
DOI article:
Danilovicz, C.: Talashkino: princess Tenishef's school of Russian applied art
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cacy of palette was once more apparent. Among searches, thanks to the birth of a truly nationalist

the legion of flosver painters one has to make artistic movement, exempt, however, from all trace

mention of M. Karbowsky, who has a very personal of Chauvinism, this great truth was, so to speak,

gift; of Mme. Devolve, who continues to preserve discovered that Russia has not the least need to

the dignity of her name; and of M. Dumont, seek her inspiration from the Occident, that

whose six exhibits were, without exception, very without going to make her pious genuflexions in

beautiful. Now that our great Fantin is no more, the little sanctuaries of the Salon d'Automne or

M. Dumont is certainly the best painter of flowers the Independants, she can live and. prosper

of our modern French school. artistically on the immense capital bequeathed

H. F. her by past centuries.

The simultaneous birth of Russian operas, re-

TALASHKINO: PRINCESS TENI- fleeting the musical soul of the people, gave to

SHEF'S SCHOOL OF RUSSIAN artists a vast field of action in decoration and

Two great currents, the ex-
pressions of the intimate opi-
nions of two camps, at the
present time divide artistic
Russia. On the one hand is
the gravitation of a group of
artists towards the most extreme
Occidental tendencies, towards
the newest altars of French art;
on the other, -is a revival of
the tradition whose treasures
the centuries have accumulated
in old Russia, the Rouss of the
period anterior to Peter the
Great. This latter current, more
profound and more original,
since it is not merely imitative
and does not seek to introduce
into Russian art elements foreign
to the Russian soul, is incontes-
tably more interesting by reason
of its power.

Russian plastic art, as well
as Russian music, to-day turns
towards the past, so rich in
wonders, and on which the very
soul of the people sets a most
individual and original seal.
Russian music before Glinka
was Italian. It was only from
the time that composers found
their inspiration in the melodies
of the people that it acquired
its national and artistic value.
The same with the sculptural
and pictorial arts. Towards the
end of the nineteenth century,

■" carved door and frame for talashkino theatre

thanks to ethnographical re- designed by s. malIutin
