Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 41.1907

DOI Heft:
No. 173 (August, 1907)
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Reviews and notices
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Reviews and Notices

Tito excels in delineating the female head, and REVIEWS AND NOTICES
he sent to this exhibition one of the best specimens Poets' Country. Edited by Andrew Lang.
of the kind. Among other paintings of his which Illustrated by Francis S. Walker. (London and
were shown on this occasion, there was a sea-piece Edinburgh : T. C. & E. C. Jack). i\s. net.—
in which the blue sea is reproduced with more sin- In choosing his collaborators for this new study of
cerity and force than I remember to have seen in the environment in which the great English poets
any other painting. The lines of waves seem produced their masterpieces, the editor has shown
endless, they come on, one over the other, foaming his usual tact and discretion, each of them being
and roaring, towards the onlooker, lightened up by specially fitted to deal with the branch of the subject
the reflections of the setting sun. In L'Alzaia entrusted to him. Mr. Lang has himself dealt with
Tito was seen to advantage as an animal painter. Scott and Shelley, whilst Mr. E. Hartley Coleridge
- has treated his great namesake, as well as Words-
One must not forget, as I said on another worth and Byron; Professor T. Churton Collins,
occasion, that Tito is one of the few Italian artists Milton, Dryden, Goldsmith and the minor poets;
who know how to treat the nude in the open air, the Rev. W. T. Loftie, Chaucer, Goldsmith, Keats
his modelling being remarkably bold, yet entirely and Spencer, and Mr. Michael Macmillan, Bums,
free from mannerism. I was therefore pleased to In spite of all that has already been written on the
see in this show some studies, full of life and poets, each of these true experts in criticism and
action, of boys bathing in the sea or lagoon. Nor literary style has either something fresh to say or is
must I omit to name his Leda, a picture vibrating able to present long accepted truths in an original
with light and life. L. Brosch. manner, as when Mr. Lang remarks that to get at