Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 41.1907

DOI Heft:
No. 174 (September, 1907)
DOI Artikel:
Ashbee, Charles R.: The "Norman Chapel" buildings at Broad Campden, in Gloucestershire
DOI Artikel:
"The Studio" year-book of decorative art, 1908
DOI Artikel:
Whitley, William Thomas: The National Art Competition at South Kensington, 1907
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The National Competition, igoy

character of the building in which it is placed, knowledge that the ideas the students had

It is indeed fortunate that the building is owned evolved with such care and elaboration were

by one whose fine taste is so sympathetically impossible of execution within the limitations of

conservative. C. R. Ashbee. the chosen material. In the eighties—and earlier

—the tendency of nearly all the Government

" THE STUDIO " YEAR - BOOK OF schools was t0 develop the artist (using the word

DECORATIVE ART, 1908. ;n ;ts conventional sense) at the expense of the

The third number of this Year-Book is now in designer, and the National Art Competition exhi-

preparation. As in the second volume, one of the bitions were interesting at that time rather for the

leading features will be a section devoted exclusively studies shown in painting, drawing, and modelling,

to Domestic Architecture, and the Editor will than for evidences of the application of those

be glad to receive drawings or photographs of recent branches of the arts to design and decoration. It

work of this nature, in addition to designs, etc., was a wrong tendency, of course, as the schools

suitable as illustrations to the various subjects dealt produced young painters and sculptors in the place

with in the two previous issues. These should 0f designers and craftsmen, but the tendency had

reach us not later than October 31st, and bear the its good side. Through it was maintained a fairly

name of the designer (and manufacturer, if any), high standard of work from the living model, and

with a short descriptive title of the design. the drawing and painting from the life which must

always be the backbone of the higher classes of

THE NATIONAL ART COMPE- design was generally speaking of far better quality
SINGTON, 1907.

The exhibition at South
Kensington of the prize
studies in the National Art
Competition, although on

the whole disappointing, is ' ffil | |||| ;
interesting for the number

were possessed of technical majolica tiles by albert mountford (burslem\