Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 42.1908

DOI issue:
No. 178 (January, 1908)
DOI article:
Newbolt, Frank: The etchings of Mr. Fred. V. Burridge, R.E.
DOI article:
Further leaves from the sketch book of Lester G. Hornby
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Lester G. Hornby s Sketches

■uninteresting, or hesitating. Judged by his best American draughtsman, for numerous examples of

half-dozen plates Mr. Burridge stands high. He it have already appeared in our pages. Since he

is a facile draughtsman with an unusual power of came over from Boston a year or two ago his

representing sympathetically the dignity and rich- pencil has been busily employed in noting places

ness of nature in stormy and in quiet moods. He of interest in England and elsewhere,
strikes a personal note, and without belonging to Mr. Hornby's drawings show appreciation of the

■any particular school he seems, to my mind, to properties of lead pencil. He selects his point of

reconcile two opposing ideas, the suggestive and view and emphasises certain portions of his draw-

the pictorial. His plates are certainly not too ings with the skill of one accustomed to look at

■suggestive, and if they were too pictorial they things to impressionistic ends. He understands

would, I imagine, be more eagerly bought. They the character of the things he draws; for instance,

are known to and admired by all etchers, and will in the sketch of Blackwall Reach, a knowledge is

become better known and more appreciated as shown of shipping craft, which gives meaning to the

time goes on. F. N. necessary simplification in a scene of much detail.

In their character generally these drawings are

FURTHER LEAVES FROM THE matter of fact and precise, whilst still suggestive

SKETCH BOOK OF LESTER G °^ t'le movement °f London street and wharf

HORNBY ' scenes- ^he art'st *s aPParentry not limited in his

range of subject, and by varying his method of

Most readers of The Studio will doubtless using the pencil he avoids a monotony which is

remember the pen and pencil work of this young often common in this class of work.

*'A Chester Street" Fiom the pencil drawing by Lester G. Hornby
