Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 47.1909

DOI issue:
No. 195 (June, 1909)
DOI article:
Frantz, Henri: The salon of the société nationale des beaux arts, Paris
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The Salon of the Societe Nation ale, Paris

d’Amours, and his “ paysage Parisien,” works in
which truth and fantasy are skilfully blended with
such charming effect.

M. Hochard, who so faithfully portrays all the
diverse and numerous aspects of modern life, has
shown us with what striking success he is able
to cope with other subjects. His picture, Mine.
Bovciry, is an exact re-creation of Rouen at the
time when Flaubert’s heroine came there.

M. Caro-Delvaille is one of our young painters
who gave much promise, and who is fulfilling those
expectations. He has already signed a half-dozen
works, each worthy of a place in one or other of
the public galleries. His two contributions this
year will certainly have the success they merit; the
one, Groupe Paien, is a powerful study of the nude,
which artists are unanimous in pronouncing a work
of the first order ; the other will have more success
with the general public, for it presents the portrait
of one of our popular heroines, popular equally in
Paris and in London—I mean Mme. Simone.

Many landscapists of talent are, as usual, repre-
sented at the Nationale, without being able
however quite to fill the gap left by Cazin and
Thaulow. An excellent artist who died this year,
Frede'ric Houbron, is here present for the last time
with some superb views of Paris. Raffaelli does
not exhibit this year, which is a pity, but Billotte
is very happily represented by various landscapes,
among which a view of the fortifications struck me

by its delicious silvery tone. Mesle shows some
charming landscapes somewhat reminiscent of his
master Cazin •; Chevalier some good sober sea-
pieces ; F. Desmoulin some very remarkable snow
scenes; Stengelin some superb pictures of Holland;
Willaert, the Belgian painter, a capital picture of
boats under snow; Mr. Waidman has a splendid
study of the Meuse ; M. Duhem some Flemish
scenes; M. Gabriel an extremely beautiful Bar-
bizon picture ; and there are some very excellent
pieces by M. Dauchez and M. Le Sidaner.

I cannot pretend to have passed in review, in
this article, all the interesting pictures at the Salon.
There still remain many, such as the admirable
Jeanne dArc of M. Boutet de Monvel the elder,
which deserve more of our attention. But I
cannot leave the subject of the Grand Palais
without attracting attention to the several notable
works there exhibited. Henri Frantz.

We are requested by Mr. Wilson Steer to state
that the ascription to him of the title of “ Pre-
sident of the New English Art Club ” in our first
article in last month’s issue is an error. Mr.
Steer is a member of the executive committee of
the Club, but the constitution of the Club does
not recognise any such office as President, all
members being equal. This erroneous ascription
was, we need hardly say, entirely the result of a
misapprehension, and we regret its appearance.


“bateaux sous la neige, sur la lys, a gand ”

