Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 48.1910

DOI issue:
No. 199 (October, 1909)
DOI article:
Recent designs in domestic architecture
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Recent Designs in Domestic Architechtre

local stone of yellow colour,
WBHB with the joints well raked

out. The roofs and upper
N" walls are covered with small

peggies—i.e., rough and very
1 small-sized slates of mixed
Tj colours. Internally the house

°" tB is a white one — mostly
painted panelling to the
whole height of walls, the
doors on both ground and
first floors being dark
mahogany. Many of the
4 ceilings are modelled in relief

j plaster, but all in white.

B The plan here given shows
III the accommodation. Much

care has been taken with the
_% garden, a somewhat intract-
^JJJ able sandy soil having to be

dealt with. A special feature

,|0""'""T--¥ 1 1 51 1 5 e ' ° is a sunk garden with water

plan of house at troon, Ayrshire Arnold Mitchell, architect centre The site is in the

midst of a pine wood close
roughed over with a stiff broom and whitened, to the sea, with a lovely view over Arran.

The roofs are covered with hand-made sand-faced The house illustrated on page 49 was designed

tiles. The entrance porch is constructed of by Messrs. Williams, Ellis & Scott, of London,
unwrot oak-trellis work, and

the windows have leaded -t^^^TTfJ^l^

lights and iron casements. « 'T^H

The accommodation on the Ji 3§']rii> S BEDROOMS

ground floor consists of a "J KITCHEN ■ jf|] | DRESSING-RQOM-

vestibule with lavatory ad- <i\ SSLI BATRR£>C>/VU

joining, a dining hall with I °K XSWE^°°B-:''

heavy beams and brackets <fl I-H+lH-H?ffi\\

supporting the floor over, taajs^——
drawing - room with bay,

morning-room, a loggia 4 DINING RQQN

which can be used in the A ^—•

winter, and domestic offices. JflJHfflk ,

The first floor has five bed- ^ I'hlVi1 ^^^fHi^^

rooms and a dressing-room, j I | ! j

two bath-rooms and storage pr."_v.!.™ DR/W'ING

rooms, &c. Mr. Hewitt also | RQQVV."

devised the garden, in col- ^JL\
laboration with the owner

a feature being made of a "^S^P-

sunk lily pond, fed by rain- \\^yV
water from the roofs.

The house by Mr. Arnold GROUND PLAN ■

Mitchell, at Troon, in Ayr- ^'Tj| | |fj | | |T_!£_5_3° -f tfm&*

shire, which is the sub- s'cale, of1 feete

ject of the accompanying plan of doctor's house in surrey Williams, ellis & scott, architects
coloured plate, is built of {Perspective on page 4g)
