Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 48.1910

DOI Heft:
No. 202 (January, 1910)
DOI Artikel:
Country cottages and their gardens, illustrated by C. E. Mallows
DOI Artikel:
Glaser, M.: Ferdinand Engelmüller's Bohemian landscapes
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Ferdinand Engelmitller

ence of an old retaining wall was the reason for
the lower part of the cottages being in brick, and a
quantity of fine old oak near at hand, taken from a
windmill (recently destroyed), for the upper part
being entirely of wood and plaster. As a much
better effect is obtained by omitting the usual
fence between the gardens on the south-west side
the only division planned is that effected by the
wide path leading from the road to the steps on
either side. Quite a different effect is shown in
the sketch for double cottages on page 284, but the
same idea of the one garden in front approached
from the centre of the group has been retained.
Another version is shown on the same page; in
this instance there are four cottages around one
central garden, instead of two, and two projecting
wings are built right up to the lane itself. On
page 286, a group of six cottages has been
planned for a narrow oblong site with larger
houses in the centre and two small ones facing
each other at either end.

The two sketches on page 287 are preliminary
designs for a small thatched week-end cottage, a
feature of the plan being the provision of an out-of-
door shelter for summer meals. The small garden

walk leading from the drive to the lodge at Tirley
Court, Cheshire, is illustrated on page 288, and
part of the Happisburgh development scheme,
showing a portion of the proposed village hall on
the left of the sketch, is suggested on page 289.
The cottage at Byfleet (p. 288) was designed for a
site in the midst of a pine wood. The view shows
the entrance part, which is to be approached from
the road by a stone-flagged path, six feet wide.
The materials will be local hand-made purple
bricks for the walling and old tiles for the roofing.
A portion of a cottage at Biddenham, built some
years ago, illustrates- on page 289 an idea for a
verandah which can be used both from the dining
and sitting-rooms as a shelter, and also for out-of
door meals.


Ferdinand Engelmuller, whose work is now
introduced to the readers of The Studio for
the first time, is a Czech by race and has acquired
considerable renown as a painter of Prague, which



"early spring" (etching)

by ferdinand engelmuller.