Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 48.1910

DOI issue:
No. 199 (October, 1909)
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the Slade School, but never attempted out-door Harbour. The twenty - eight examples of work

sketching until she joined a foreign sketching class by the late D. O. Hill, R.S.A. (1802—1870),

organised by Mr. Norman Garstin, under whose representing practically three years which this

advice she developed the attractive style of work painter gave to photography, prove him to have

represented in the drawing now reproduced. Miss been perhaps the very first artist to discern the

Grazebrook also works a good deal in gold point, possibilities of an art of the camera,

and two years ago held an exhibition of drawings -

in this and other mediums at Walker's Gallery. We reproduce an oil portrait and a sketch of

- Mme. Sarah Bernhardt, by Antoon Van Welie.

If any one is still left who does not believe in They were shown recently in London in an exhi-

photography as an art they should be persuaded to bition at the Goupil Gallery containing a number

visit the exhibition of the " Linked Ring " Photo- of portraits of Boer Generals, which attracted

graphic Salon at the Old Water-Colour Society's general attention. The artist's style is matter-of-

which closes on the 23rd of October. So far as fact, but he always seems to achieve a remarkable

art depends upon vision they will find abundant likeness of his sitters, and does not fail in dignity

proof that this group abounds in artists. We would . of conception or in sympathy. Indeed, the latter

recommend them to look at, among other things, quality, judging .by his portrait of Frau Liebermann

the Portrait, by Agnes Warburg; A Pillared (p. 58), is the quality whereby he imparts the

Shade, High Overarched, by F. H. Cliffe ; Chateau psychological value to his art.
Gaillard, by Malcolm Arbuthnot; The Gates of

Fairyland, by Walter Benington ; or for greater The Goupil Gallery's exhibition of the late H.
actuality in subject Mr. T. Craig Annan's Genoa B. Brabazon's work brought together some of his

very finest efforts, water-colours far
from slight (as his art often was), and
--------1 replete with subtle observations in deal-
ing with complexities of effect.

Last month the first annual exhibition
of pictures by members of the Toynbee
Art Club was opened at the White-
chapel Art Gallery. The object of the
Club, which has been formed some
years, is to promote fellowship among
those interested in art without any dis-
tinction of social class, and seeing how
little art has hitherto entered into the
life of the east end of London—the
Whitechapel Gallery with its periodical
exhibitions being no more than a tiny,
though welcome, oasis in a vast desert
—the movement is deserving of every

Professor C. J. Holmes has been
appointed to succeed Mr. Cust, who
has retired from the keepership of the
\ \ \ \\\ I n \>' National Portrait Gallery on account

• . \ \ \i of an affection of the eyes. Professor

, H, Holmes, who has held the post of Slade

Vy '>vf Professor of Fine Art at Oxford Univer-

on vf^/fLit ' sity, is, as our readers know, a painter,

' . and, like Mr. MacColl of the Tate

Gallery, is a member of the New

sketch portrait of madame sarah bernhardt ,

by antoon van welie English Art Club. His recently-
