Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 48.1910

DOI Heft:
No. 202 (January, 1910)
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Studio- Talk

The Leicester Galleries have had an attractive
programme in Mrs. Allingham's dainty art, which
convinces by evidence of temperament and feeling,
and the work of Birket Foster, done within such
narrow limits, but within these sometimes approach-
ing to greatness. There were also at the same
Galleries various groups of drawings by Mr. G. D.
Armour, Mr. Rackham and Mr. A. S. Hartrick,
illustrating certain books which, if not already
noticed in our reviews, are there referred to now.

At the Fine Art Society's Galleries last month
there was an exhibition of W. Kuhnert's paintings
of Wild Beasts and Birds of Africa and Ceylon,
truly remarkable in thorough knowledge of the ways
of big-game and in power of expressing the most
characteristic habits of movement in various
animals. At the same galleries there was an
attractive exhibition of Japanese dolls and Chinese
figurines—the former being those made according
to traditional formulas for children's festivals and
presenting schemes of rare colour and decoration,
while the Chinese figurines were fascinating in
their naivetL

At the Ryder Gallery two exhibitions held last
month by women artists are worthy of particular
mention. Miss Frances Hodgkins, except for a

welsh national war memorial:

figure symbolizing "peace" by albert toft

the share taken by Welsh
regiments in the South
African war.

At the Carfax Gallery last
month a most interesting
exhibition was that of Mr. J.
Havard Thomas's drawings,
bas-reliefs, and other sculp- ■4Bf
ture. Mr. Thomas's classi-
cality is too extreme for the Si
generation to which he be- jBm
longs. Except Rodin, whose ^~ JP
aims are so different, there \^
is, perhaps, no sculptor whose
scholarship is so perfect.
Mr. Thomas's work contra-
dicts the spirit of our age,
but because of its perfection M, ' • .

it stands a better chance of IK.
surviving it than much else ''^^^^™I>^^(K««-:■------. J^HHHHilHHHHHHHHl

that is more in keeping with welsh national war memorial: figure symbolizing "warfare"

the time—more zeitmdssig. by albert toft
