Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 48.1910

DOI Heft:
No. 202 (January, 1910)
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Of Mr. Taylor's technical accomplishments the
paintings here reproduced speak for themselves,
though the brilliance of the light effect in The
Duet needs colour to be fully appreciated. After
studying at the Royal Academy Schools Mr.
Taylor spent some time at Munich, where his
sense of the grotesque was developed amid an
atmosphere more congenial to new ideas in paint
than that of these more conservative shores.
Returning to London he met with little sympathy
from " selection committees " till the " no-jury "
exhibition at the Albert Hall gave him his
first opportunity to come before the British
public. He is but little over the legal age of
manhood, and his future career promises to be
full of interest.

The New Society of Water Colour Painters,
under the Presidency of Sir Wm. Eden, held their
exhibition at The New Dudley Galleries in
November. Including as it does such interesting
painters as Messrs. George Thomson, Frederic
caricature portrait by Horace taylor Catchpole, Tatton Winter, Fred Mayor, and

Arthur G. Bell, this Society bids fair to become
mannerism responsible for a certain streakiness, one of the most successful among the smaller
is an impressionist of close and original observa- groups of artists with aims in common,
tion, while Miss Fairburn,
a sympathetic painter of
children, showed excel-
lent qualities in other sub- "*

1 . -V;!

jects, her Goblin Market ^HHR, tfruHRHHI

perhaps revealing her ^ViAi ' ,

talents at their best. .

Mr. Horace C. Taylor,
four of wlio.se works are Hf gfc^r-^S^H

here reproduced, made
his debut as an exhibitor

at the first London Salon ^» / HflSftfc-- ■JP^t''- • \i\ ■ • tH

of the Allied Artists'Asso- ■^mMP*^ BBfiffifr^ f jk^w||£ ^1

ciation, where his exhibits ^ - j| Wr \KgmJk.

attracted considerable -j- ,;;-'4Hj

attention for their auda- [hL >f >V

cious novelty. Caricature
in black-and-white is well

understood by the British Hb*. Jr^lH

public, but caricature in HP** TM ^^HEf.

oil paint puzzles not a ^^08? -^B ^VHl^H^H

few, who regard it as a Hlii»' —'

slighting of the medium, ^^r^' '• MCft^tiL^. mF^*-- ' ^m8|H

caricature as well ^^^^■^^^^■MI^Hm^^^^MI^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^™^^™

as in other forms of art. "the jester" by Horace taylor
