Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 48.1910

DOI Heft:
No. 202 (January, 1910)
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qualities of bold draughtsmanship, strong colouring
and a refined sentiment such as is a* characteristic
of the art of the contemporary Scottish school of
painting. The talent of G. M. Stevens was once
again evinced in delightful pictures of graceful
femininity, among which Le depart pour le tennis
was particularly worthy of notice. G. Lemmen,
who exhibited a large and very varied selection—
studies from the nude, landscapes, and flower-
pieces—must be classed in the foremost rank of
painters of rare talent and unexpected and
charming colouring. The rugged Finnish land-
scapes of W. Finch; the English landscapes of
Hazledine; the cool orchards of W. Schlobach,
with some fine statuettes; a beautiful group by
P. Dubois, and patient studies of animals by
Gaspar, completed an exhibition of exceptional

In the " Cercle Artistique de Bruxelles," a Dutch
artist, M. van Andringa, showed recently a collec-
tion of pictures and drawings which attracted a
large number of lovers of good painting to these

portrait by a. cluysenaar

BRUSSELS. —It appears that
the rooms at the Art Gallery
are no longer sufficient to
contain all the numerous
productions of the painters and sculp-
tors of Brussels, and already several
exhibitions have been organised success-
full/ in the Salle Boute; but so far I
have seen no show there which could
compare in interest with the recent
one, in which we had an opportunity
of seeing the work of the figure painters,
A. Cluysenaar, G. Lemmen, and G. M.
Stevens ; of the landscapists, W. Finch,
Hazledine, and W. Schlobach; and of
the sculptors, P. Dubois and Gaspar.
Mons. Cluysenaar's pictures were of
considerable importance, and comprised
female portraits, portraits of children,
studies, and a few landscapes. One hears
it said frequently of his painting that it
is solide et savoureuse, but it should also
be added that there are inherent in it "etude" by m. van andringa
