Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 48.1910

DOI Heft:
No. 202 (January, 1910)
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Studio- Talk

well represented by some capital bits of Old Cairo, Dufner's Summer Evening, idyllic in conception,
and a number of pictures of Scottish mountain skilful in execution, and Miss Blanche Dillaye's
scenery that were very successful in the use of Moonlight, mysteriously suggestive each in its own
washes of pure colour unaided by any touching way, added much to the interest of the collection,
of opaque lights. The fantastic, almost incredible -

colouring of certain districts of the Far West was Occupying a conspicuous position in the large
well rendered by Mr. Albert Groll in his views of gallery was a pastel portrait entitled Shadows, by
The Painted Desert, Arizona. Mr. Dwight W. Mr. Thomas P. Anshutz; the subject, a hand-
Tryon exposed a group of delightfully poetic ren- some young American woman in creamy draperies,
ditions of the moonlit sea, delicate in colour only is treated in the artist's happiest vein, and gave
as he knows how to make them. Mr. Charles eclat to the show. Portraits by May Hallowell
Warren Eaton's Lake Como (p- 334) ably sustained Lond and by Jessie Willcox Smith deserve par-
the reputation of this well-known landscape painter ticular mention. Mr. Adam Emory Albright, in
in its truth to the facts in nature and withal no lack Little Faces at the Window, showed fine technique
of feeling for sentiment. Several examples of the and at the same time interesting studies of child
work of Mr. Herman Tudley Murphy, reminding life. A group of sketches in water-colours by Miss
one decidedly of certain of Whistler's symphonies Alice Schille, boldly handled, delightfully juicy in
in colour, were to be seen here. Mr. Edward treatment, should be especially praised. Quite

different in management of colour and
yet very successful in effect were Mr.
George Walter Dawson's admirable
studies of gardens and roses, painted
with careful attention to detail without
losing any of the general glow of bril-
liant colour sought for. Mr. Chas. W.
Hudson exhibited a number of most
remarkably fascinating pictures of the
great pine-trees of the Maine woods.

The exhibition of miniatures included
about one hundred-and-fifty works and
showed the great advance of the art
during the past decade and also its
increasing popularity. Most of the best
known painters were represented in this
collection. No longer limited to por-
traiture, they have ventured into the
field of the figure painter, with gratify-
ing results. Miss Laura Coombs Hills'
Nymph was probably the best example
of this form of miniature painting to be
seen in the show. Excellent portraits
were exhibited by Mrs. Emily Drayton
Taylor, Miss Margaretta Archambault
and Miss Sarah Yocum MacFadden.

E. C.

The National Gallery of South Aus-
tralia has acquired by purchase two
pictures by Mr. Algernon Talmage
recently exhibited at the Goupil Gallery,
viz,, The Glittering Stream (reproduced
in The Studio of February last), and
• shadows" by thomas p. anshutz Snowstorm in the Strand.
