Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 49.1910

DOI Heft:
No. 206 (May, 1910)
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close observation as he does the dresses and orna-
ments of his lady sitters. The various portraits
now reproduced serve to illustrate the range of his
talent. In the sketch of Eugen von Miller zu
Alchholz, the well-known art collector, the artist
has been particularly happy in catching the far-off
look and characteristics of his sitter. It is excel-
lent as a likeness, and the pose is admirable and
perfectly natural. A. S. L.

BRUSSELS.—The Societe Royale Beige
des Aquarellistes has held its fiftieth
exhibition. That implies a long career
for a society of artists who devote
themselves to the practice of only one branch of art.
While recently celebrating the jubilee of its
foundation the Society organised a retrospective
exhibition, showing the historic evolution of water-
colour drawing during the second half of the
nineteenth century. The development of the art
as shown in this exhibi-
tion has been extremely
interesting—one feels in
the work of practically all
the artists who employ
this medium a striving to
escape from the restric-
tions and limitations
which the ge?ire would
seem to impose; and to
the freshness and fluidity
of the early wash-draw-
ings the artists of to-day
are seeking, and with suc-
cess, to add something of
the richness and solidity
of oil painting. The
Society has endeavoured
furthermore to com-
memorate this anniversary
by offering an excellent
and complete exhibition
of its own active mem-
bers—which is in every
way an entire success.

The Belgian sculptor
Paul Dubois, who has
been showing at the
Bonte galleries some of
his most recent works,
worthy successors of his
earlier achievements, by
reason of their sound

knowledge of form and supple modelling, has,
added to his success as a master of the plastic art
success also as a teacher, for it is a pupil of his,.
M. Rau, who has been unanimously selected for
the Prix de Rome. This is the first time M. Rau
has entered for a competition, and he was the-
youngest of the competitors. F. K.

Next month an International Congress on the-
subject of Numismatics and the Medals of To-day
is to be held in Brussels—the first of the kind ever
held, we believe. The Congress will open on
June 26th, and the sittings will be continued
on the 27th, 28th, and 29th. In connection,
with it there will be an international Salon de la.
Medaille, in which all the leading artists of the:
world who devote themselves to this branch of art
will be represented. The arrangements are in the-
hands of a committee, of which M. A. de Witte is
president. It is proposed to publish a memoir of