Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 52.1911

DOI Heft:
No. 217 (April, 1911)
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more intimate and sympathetic in their touch, Glyn Philpot's La Zarzarrosa. The debt to
by Fantin's successor in this field, Mr. Gerard Manet is immense—Manet whose genius was of
Chowne ; some highly interesting paintings by the individual kind that generally stands alone
Miss Jessie Algie, and pictures by V. Tyrwhitt, without successors. But this is nothing against
Annie D. Muir, Katherine Turner in the best vein the picture ; everyone has his master. Will
almost made up this exhibition. It was not a Mr. Philpot be able to support the reputation
bad plan to make it so exclusive, for though this picture is going to give him ? That is the
flowers are everywhere in the world, true flower- interesting question ; good as his two other
painters are perhaps rarer than any other kind. canvases were they were not up to the same

level. Mr. Oswald Birley's Miss Mabel Beards-
At the same Gallery there have been exhibited ley as an Elizabethan Page ; Mr. Alfred Hay-
some stimulating etchings and drawings by Mr. ward's Mrs. Richard Davis : in the Studio
Frederick Carter. Is Aubrey Beardsley at last Garden ; Mr. Gerard Chowne's Txvo People
to have a successor ? He has had plenty of and My Mother; Mr. C. L. Colyn Thomson's
imitators, but we have never expected to find The Kestrel; Mr. John Crealock's Madame
a successor amongst them. Mr. Carter's delight- Bovary were among the most interesting can-
ful pen, occasionally exchanged for the etching vases. Mr. Alexander Jamieson succeeded best
needle, takes its own line in the comedy of with his " interior " Miss Anderson. Mr. G.
masks and other drawings of the kind. W. Lambert's picture of The Dancer revealed

-- his firmness of draughtsmanship and ingenuity

At the Goupil Gallery in Regent Street, Mr. of composition. Mr. Gerald F. Kelly's work
Horace Mann Livens has been holding an ex- at its best has both style and dignity of con-
hibition of oil paintings and
water-colours. No modern artist
has a deeper sense of the poetry
of streets, and he. has brought
his style into complete harmony
with the feeling. Another vein
of Mr. Liven's art is his studies
of poultry; these are extremely
animated and suggestive, and in
them he attains the high colour
quality that is often to be identi-
fied with his work. At the same
gallery Mr. William B. E. Ran-
kin's water-colours were very
vigorous and free in handling.
He is happiest of all, perhaps,
in his interior pieces. His dis-
like of superficiality is a thing
to take pleasure in in these days
of superficial water-colour work.
Mr. J. R. K. Duff's pastels, also
at the Goupil Gallery, seemed
only to have one fault—the pre-
vailing darkness of tone ; other-
wise no pastellist uses his me-
dium to greater advantage than
this artist, a draughtsman of ex-
ceptional skill.

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' The Fifth Exhibition of the

Modern Society of Portrait &BMBSbSK//B££^ V*vi'L%.

- Painters has been a notable one, *" '--;;—"

if only for the exhibition of Mr. " the sheepfold" by j. Hamilton Mackenzie, a.r.e.
