Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 52.1911

DOI Heft:
No. 218 (May, 1911)
DOI Artikel:
Salaman, Malcolm C.: The engraving school at the Royal College of Art
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The Royal College of Art Engraving School


Every student, on entering, is provided with a drawing a piece ot copper is cut for him, and he

complete outfit, consisting of etching-dabber, hand- is taught to file the edges with a clean bevel. Then

tools, mirrors, &c, and these he is taught to keep cautioned against those inveterate foes of the

in workmanlike order, the careful whetting being a copper-plate, grease and dust, he is set to clean

very important matter. Many of the tools used the plate preparatory to putting a ground upon it-

here are of Mr. Short's own design and make, and When he has learnt to ground his own plate and

he regards the intimate knowledge and mastery of transfer the design, he commences the needling,

his tools as one of the first considerations for the and his work is overlooked by Mr. Short with a

worker upon the copper-plate. He even encourages view to training him to achieve the right quality

his pupils to learn to make tools of their own, as he of line for etching. The properties of the differen

himself does. acids are next explained to him, as well as the

Before beginning to work upon the copper the varying effects of different temperatures for the

student is required to submit some drawings, so bath, and the great advantage of careful " stopping

that Mr. Short may be able to judge, from his out" is duly impressed upon him, for Mr. Short

capacity as a draughtsman, what course would be maintains that this is " more than half the battle "

best for him to follow. In nearly every case the in good etching. Then the first proof is taken, and

student begins by copying closely one of Amand it is ten chances to one that the novice receives a

Durant's reproductions from etchings by Vandyck, rude shock. But this is salutary, and thanks to the

Rembrandt, or Albert Diirer. This is merely to kindly humour with which Mr. Short softens the

give him a preliminary exercise in careful shock, and his helpful criticism, this first proof

drawing, and make him observant of the master's with all its imperfections, usually proves a ver

technique. After he has made a tracing of his valuable lesson. The necessary alterations are then
