Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 52.1911

DOI Heft:
No. 218 (May, 1911)
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'A DUTCH TOWN" (III the collection of \V. A. Coats, Esq.—See Glasgow Studio-Talk) BY JAMES MARIS

Cameron ; Sacred Bull, by Mr. W. Walls ; and The J—*v RIGHTON.—The Brighton Guild of
Atlantic Shore, by Mr. Mason Hunter. Then of I J Applied Arts recently held a very in-

course there was work by Mr. David Murray, R.A. A teresting and successful exhibition at the
At the same galleries Mr. Mortimer Menpes ex- J—J Public Art Galleries, prominent items
hibited an interesting series of drawings of Venice being the Presidential badge by Mr. Walter Stoye
and the Holy Land and etchings. and the piece of embroidery by Miss Elaine Lessore
- reproduced on p. 316. There were besides many

Mr. Edward H. G. Chetwood-Aiken is a water- exhlblts showmS excellence of deslf?n as wel1 as
colourist who is making rapid strides, and his recent capable crafemanshlP- Especially to be noted,
exhibition at the Ryder Gallery must, in our opinion, besldes the examPles Just mentioned, are the pieces
do much to increase his reputation. At the Carfax of jewellery by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gaskm, a
Gallery Miss Clare Atwood's paintings formally binding by Mr. de Sauty, ecclesiastical embroideries
introduced an artist whom visitors to the New b>' Mr R' D' FramPton> book illustrations by Mrs.
English Art Club have of late watched with great Andre»'s, cartoons for stained glass and furniture

by Mr. W. H. Berry, A.R.C.A. (Hon. Organising
Secretary), and enamels by Miss Gwendoline Morris.
The Postal Service Exhibition held by the G.P.O. The Guild was recently formed to foster a closer
Arts Club—not a Postmen's Exhibition we were relation between the architect and the decorative
distinctly given to understand—reflected the highest craftsman, and generally to improve the status of the
credit upon those connected with a service which craftsman and to find an outlet for his productions,
can leave few daylight hours for the study of the The Guild has made a good start, and it is to be hoped
art of painting. will persevere in the aims it has set itself to achieve.

