Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 55.1912

DOI issue:
No. 227 (February 1912)
DOI article:
Levetus, A. S.: Arts and crafts at the Austrian museum for art and industry, Vienna
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Arts and Crafts at the Austrian Museum, Vienna


(All rights reserved)

stands for excellence of design. The same artist
also exhibited the prizes to be presented by the
Winter Sport Club to the winners of the motor-boat
races which are to take place at Abbazia this year.
The fact that the designing of these prizes was en-
trusted to an artist like Prutscher says much for
the judgment of those concerned, and discretion was
again shown by entrusting the carrying out of these
designs to the Wiener Werkstatte, thereby ensuring
the highest quality of workmanship. The enamels
are the work of Stephi Glax, and have for subject
Abbazia, Lovrana, and Volosca, the pearls of the
Austrian Riviera.

That the work shown by the members of the
Wiener Werkstatte was excellent both as to design
and execution hardly needs to be accentuated
here. One of the latest developments at this
establishment is the printing of silks, and some ex-
cellent work of this character, designed by Frau L.
Frommel-Fochler, Fraulein Mela Kohler, and other
women artists, was shown. Prof. Hoffmann and
Prof. L. H. Jungnickel have also designed some
exquisite table glass, warm grey in colour, the
decoration being carried out in bronzite. The

effect of these when filled with sparkling wines
must be very beautiful.

Some striking articles of jewellery and other
metal-work were designed by Architect Hans Bolek,
Felix Merkel, Prof. Otto Prutscher, Prof. Hoffmann,
Karl Riedel, and Sofie Sander. The last-mentioned
artist has done much to revive the ancient filigree
work. She served her apprenticeship to a gold-
smith in Vienna, studied designing in the Kunst-
gewerbeschule, and afterwards went to Paris, Am-
sterdam, and other places, where she entered
different workshops as an ordinary working girl.
She is now being called to Holland to found a
school for filigree work at Haarlem.

A large variety of ceramics and porcelain was
shown, and that lovely “ Serapis ” fayence about
which a notice appeared in The Studio for October
last. Since that time further advance has been
made in the production of this ware. The designers
were Architect K. Klaus and Charles Galle. The
designers of the objects in porcelain and pottery
were Prof. M. Powolny, Fritz Poliak, Hugo
Kirsch, Rosa Neuwirth, Gertrud Dengg, Johanna
Meier-Michel, Emil Meier, Minka Podhajska, Ida
