Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 55.1912

DOI issue:
No. 227 (February 1912)
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dramatis persona of the hunt find in him a faithful
historian and one whose work will live.

The exhibition season at the Georges Petit
Galleries opened with a brilliant show, the eighth
Salon of the Gravure en Couleurs. The exhibition
comprised no fewer than three hundred and thirty-
three works, thus proving that among artists colour-
prints are becoming of more interest every day.
Among the numerous exhibitors there were certain
of the first rank, such as Louis Dauphin, with
whose Vues ensoleilUes du midi I was much im-
pressed ; Boutet de Monvel, whose technique gains
daily in originality; Arsene Chabanian, with his
admirable sea-pieces; Pierre Gatier, whose elegant
visions are correct and precise in treatment; de
Latenay, who takes scenes in the parks as the
motifs of his delightful compositions ; Ch. Houdard,
a landscapist; G. Lecreux, a flower painter ; Marten
van der Loo, with his picturesque convents;
Gilsoul, another fine colourist, also a Dutchman;
Henri Meunier, whose fine landscapes attracted

attention; Frangois Simon, whose work was well up
to his customary high standard ; Luigini, for whom
the towns of Flanders have no more secrets to
reveal; Ranft, with his Spanish scenes ; Waidmann,
a successful colourist; and lastly, J. F. Raffaelli, the
pioneer of colour-etching, who has never shown
greater originality than he displayed in his magnifi-
cent plate, commissioned by the City of Paris, ot
La Seine a Paris.

One of the most interesting of recent exhibitions
was most certainly that of “ The Churches of
France,” which was held in the Hessele Galleries
under the patronage of M. Maurice Barres, who
has maintained such an indefatigable struggle to
preserve our churches, many of which have been
menaced from time to time. All the exhibitors
were occupied, each one in his own particular
manner, with doing honour to the sumptuous
splendours or humble beauties of these sacred
edifices. Claude Monet has depicted the Cathedral
of Rouen, Raffaelli was represented by pictures of