Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 55.1912

DOI Heft:
No. 227 (February 1912)
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Art School notes
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Art School Notes

fortunate in being able to work under such artists
as the professors of the London and New Art
School, and he hoped that they would take every
advantage of the privileges they enjoyed. The prin-
cipal of the many prizes given were the Orchardson
Silver Medal, gained by Alfred Thompson, and
the William Chase Scholarship, awarded to Edith
Granger. The judges were Mr. George Clausen,
R.A. ; Mr. Arthur Hacker, R.A. ; Mr. Frank
Brangwyn, A.R.A.; Mr. John Lavery, A.R.A. ;
Mr. Claude Shepperson, A.R.W.S.; and Mr. A.
J. Coxon.

Most of the prizes at the Slade School are given
at midsummer, but one important award is always
made at the end of the winter term. This is the
Slade Prize of ^25 for figure composition, which
has just been allotted to Mr. G. B. Solomon.

W. T. W.

The students of the Royal College of Art have
started a magazine of their own, the first number
of which made its appearance in December, and
the editor, Mr. John Adams, who is assisted in the
conduct of “The R.C.A. Students’ Magazine ” by
Mr. W. F. Northend and Mr. Phillip Oxley, desires

us to bring the new venture to the notice of old

The Three Arts Club, which has been founded
in order to form a social centre for all women
workers in the arts of Music and the Drama and
the Fine Arts and Crafts, was formally inaugurated
at the beginning of December, and bids fair to be
a complete success. The club premises in the
Marylebone Road are very comfortably equipped,
and there is residential accommodation for about
eighty members on exceedingly moderate terms.

Following upon a highly successful career as
Headmaster of the Liverpool School of Art, Mr.
Fredk. V. Burridge, R.E., has been appointed to the
position of Principal of the London County Council
Central School of Arts and Crafts, Holborn.

BIRMINGHAM.—[The following observa-
tions on “ Memory Drawing and Mental
Imaging in Art Teaching ” have been
contributed by Mr. R. Catterson-Smith,
Headmaster of the Municipal School of Art in
Margaret Street, Birmingham. As the subject is
one of great moment in connection with the