Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 55.1912

DOI Heft:
No. 229 (May 1912)
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incidents Turner had observed during the frequent
sailing trips he had made about the mouth of
Thames. The picture is devoid of those romantic
and melodramatic interests and flamboyant colour
which have made such works as the Ulysses derid-
ing Polyphemus so popular. It appeals to the taste
which enjoys Wordsworth rather than to that which
delights in Byron. It is one of the best preserved of
Turner’s oil paintings. The perfect balance of the
design, the sense of movement in the boats and in
the water, the grandly conceived sky, and the ex-
quisite harmony of its restrained and delicate colour
stamp the picture as one of the most beautiful and
masterly of all Turner’s sea-pieces.

Mr. J. D. Fergusson’s exhibition of oil paintings
at the Stafford Gallery followed close upon his ex-
hibition of drawings at the same gallery. The two
largest canvases, The Red Shawl and Le Manteau
Chinois, can scarcely be said to do this remarkable
artist justice, but his art was redeemed in our eyes

by the beautiful Spanish Shawl and Le Valeur de la
Science. Mr. Fergusson’s exotic'representations of
still life witness to a profound sense of decoration.

Other exhibitions of the month included Mrs.
Lily Delissa Joseph’s paintings of “ Interiors,” Mr.
Christopher Dean’s landscapes, Mr. Ralph Smith’s
water-colours, and a collection of paintings by the
late Paul Fordyce Maitland at the Baillie Gallery,
drawings in water-colour and charcoal by Mr.
Cyril Roberts, R.B.A., at the Modern Gallery,
Mr. Piero Tolentino’s paintings at the Ryder
Gallery, and Monsieur Jean Marion’s sea-pieces
at 26A Albemarle Street.

PARIS.—We reproduce a picture by Mr.

W. Horton, who after having shown
recently in the Societd des Artistes
Modernes held a very remarkable ex-
hibition in the Georges Petit Galleries. This
artist, who started by attaching himself to the