Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 55.1912

DOI Heft:
No. 229 (May 1912)
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longer any secrets. Mr. Walter Gay depicted
interiors with his remarkable virtuosity. M.
Gaston La Touche continues to carry on the very
Trench traditions of our eighteenth-century artists.
Like them he evinces infinite spirit and delicate
grace in his work, and is at the same time one of
the finest colourists of the contemporary French
school. The section of sculpture was likewise very
strong at the Societe Nouvelle. Rodin showed a
powerful study of the nude, Segoffin had some
extremely powerful and vividly modelled busts, and
the work of Mile. Poupelet, M. Schnegg, and M.
Dejean also deserves to be remembered.

In the Hessele Galleries a very interesting ex-
hibition has been held of work by painters of
Versailles, presided over by M. de Nolhac, the
distinguished Curator of the Musee de Versailles,
who has done so much for the reconstitution and
methodical classification of our fine collections.
Versailles, like Venice or Rome, is an admirable
subject for the painter, and numerous are the
artists who have depicted its splendours. Among

the most important works I noted a Terrasse dn
Grand Trianoti, by Henry Tenre, a work admirable
in composition and in colour ; the terrace of the
palace inspired very happily M. Rosenstock, while
the delicate pastels of Labrouche rendered charm-
ing bits of the park. M. Leonce de Joncieres
showed a very characteristic view, La Charmille
d'Or; M. Avy sketched with luminous touches the
statues standing out against the limpid horizon; and
Mile. Adour evinced in her water-colours good
feeling for decorative effect. M. Anthiome had
some curious little wash drawings reminiscent of
scenes of the past, M. Henri de Nolhac specialised
in representations of the noble interiors of the
Palais du Grand Roi, and M. Hugues de Beaumont,
who has arrived at complete mastery of his talent,
excelled in a study of the apartments and in a
charming picture of the chateau in the snow.

H. F.

The influence of Miirger was not always a happy
one upon the generation of artists which sprung
up after the publication of “ La Vie de Boheme ” ;
