Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 56.1912

DOI issue:
No. 231 (June 1912)
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Studio- Talk

PORTRAIT OF mons. A. STACHOVITCH (“ Mir Isskousstva” Exhibition, Moscow) BY V. skROFF

firmer, more draughtsmanlike facture. Among the
group of Moscow colourists that talented artist, M.
Saryan, must be singled out for special mention,
with his motives from the Orient at once so indi-
vidual and distinctive in coloration. The best of
these, however—one a palm depicted on monu-
mental lines and another the mystic white lotus
rising up out of a piece of water of bluish-green tint
—were to be found at the “Soyouz” exhibition.
Paul Kuznetsoff was well represented with pictures
of the Kirghiz Steppe, and Sudeikine, too, was in-
teresting in some of his work, but it is always a
matter of great regret that monochrome reproduction
cannot give any idea of this painter’s qualities.

Last year’s jubilee festivities in Italy attracted
many Russian artists thither. A number of draw-
ings, including some really beautiful examples,
were brought back by M. Dobujinsky and Mme.
Ostroumova-Lebedeva. I was especially attracted by

the Venetian sketches of this latter artist, who usually
makes her appearance at exhibitions as a wood-
engraver. The Capri studies of B. Anisfeld seemed
to me altogether too fugitive in character, but the
etchings of Ivan Fomin, an architect by profession,
attracted general attention. Fomin, indeed, here
showed himself, both in his architectural motives
from Italy and those from Russia, as a mature
master of the art of etching and one who succeeds
in introducing with discreet taste the element of
colour. Of the exhibitors from St. Petersburg one
who certainly deserves mention is Mme. Serebriakova,
with her two interesting self-portraits in masque
costume and a beautiful study of the nude.

Finally a few words must be spared for a group
of young painters, most of them belonging to
Moscow, who call themselves by the original if not
very appropriate title of “ Bubnovy Valet ” (Knave
of Diamonds) and may be said to represent the left
