Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 56.1912

DOI Heft:
No. 231 (June 1912)
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BARCELONA.—Alexandre de
Riquer, whose name is not un-
familiar to readers of this maga-
zine, in which on sundry occasions
reference has been made to his work,
recently gave fresh proof of his artistic
fecundity in an exhibition he has been
holding at the galleries of the “Fayans
Catala.” The exhibition comprised no less
than eighty-seven works by Riquer, in all of
which was manifested that faculty which he
possesses so amply of giving to all his
productions a highly decorative feeling,
whether he is dealing with a canvas on
a large scale or one of quite small pro-
portions. So, too, in point of technique he
always contrives to achieve with his trans-
lucent pigments the most beautiful tonalities.
In this exhibition Riquer presented himself
to us as a portraitist of real talent, his work
in this rdle being new to our public. The
entire display was, in fact, a conspicuous
success. _

of thirty large gouache drawings by D. Stelletzky,
mostly designs for theatre decorations in the old
Russian style of the sixteenth century ; in these the
artist has shown much aptitude and decorative
talent, although he seems to have followed the old
Russian miniatures so literally that his designs are
wanting in spontaneity. The only etcher at the
Soyouz was V. Masiutin ; in his fantastic allegories
he appeals as usual to the lover of horrors, and one
would like to see his talent applied to other themes.

P. E.

(In our January Number, pp. 334, 335, we gave
two illustrations of dining-room furniture in Old
Russian style,’’the design of which was ascribed to
Prof. A. Vasnetzoff, while in the accompanying
note they,were said to have been executed in the
ateliers of the Zemstvo of Moscow. It has recently


(Soyouz, Moscow)

Subsequently in the same galleries the
brothers Valentin and Ramdn de Zubiaurre,
two young Basque'artists’whose reputation

been pointed out to us, however, that these pieces
of furniture were, as a matter of fact, designed by
M. Cherchenko, at one time a student of the
Imperial Stroganoff School of Applied Art, Moscow,
and were executed by him for Dr. Kassianoff of
Moscow. We regret the mistake, which has arisen
through the photographs coming to us without any
clue to their origin about the same time that some
others of a similar character reached us from Prof.
Vasnetzoff. We take this opportunity of impressing
on our correspondents the desirability of writing
brief particulars on the back of all photographs,
&c., sent to us for publication.—The Editor.)

BERLIN.—By courtesy of Herr Casper wa
are reproducing opposite one of a set of
etchings for Shakespeare’s “ Othello ”
executed by Hans Meid, a talented
young artist who has been coming to the
front in recent years. The set comprises
nine plates, and both in the selection of the
dramatic moments illustrated and in their
interpretation the artist has shown himself
equal to his task. Herr Meid hails from
Karlsruhe, and is a member of the Berlin
