Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 56.1912

DOI Heft:
No. 231 (June 1912)
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Art School Notes

already extends beyond the Spanish frontiers, have
been holding a show of their work, the former being
represented by thirty-five examples and the latter by
twenty-nine. After Zuloago these two artists have
done more than any others to reveal to us the typical
life of Spain, and have scored a distinct triumph.
Their scenes from the rural life of the Basque
province and Castile are characterised by exquisite
taste, and if in some of their works there is to be
found rather too much detail this trifling fault is
more than compensated for by the decorative unity
and harmony of their pictures, which always leave
a pleasing and enduring impression on the spectator.
Less successful are the portraits of prominent
Barcelonese personages, painted by them during a
sojourn in this city; these fail both in regard to like-
ness and in point of colour. J. G. M.


IONDON.—An exhibition of considerable edu-
cational value was held last month at the
London County Council Central School
—^ of Arts and Crafts. It covered everything
connected with the production of books, including

printing, binding, lettering, and illustration, all
executed by students in institutions maintained or
aided by the Council. Excellent examples of the
students’ work were shown, especially in printing
and book-covers; and with them a number of
specimens of early printed books with clear and
beautiful type. Several of these books were fifteenth-
century ; and one, printed at Venice in 1476,
formerly belonged to William Morris, whose own
printing was illustrated by work from the Kelmscott
Press. The book-covers shown in the exhibition
included some well-designed examples by A. J.
Vaughan, F. E. Blunt, S. W. Cramer, A. J. Jarvis,
W. H. Green, and other students in the Council

The May exhibition of the Gilbert Garret Sketch
Club was fully up to the usual high average of this
society, which attracts to itself students from many
schools of art. Mr. H. M. Wilson’s Dawn over the
River (59), with the lamps on the bridges gleaming
faintly through the blue mists of early morning, was
one of the best things ever shown at a Gilbert Garret
exhibition ; and other good paintings in oil or water-
colour were Moonlight, Berneval (34), by Mr. P. C.

“jour de f£te”

(Fayans Catalh, Barcelona)

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