Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 57.1913

DOI Heft:
No. 235 (October 1912)
DOI Artikel:
Taylor, Ernest Archibald: Some etchings from the recent salons in Paris
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Etchings from the Paris Salons

excellent dry-points, and Miss Nell Coover some
delicately observed Studies of Children iti the
Luxembourg, other able exhibits being Le Bois, by
Miss Edith May Olive Branson, Suite d''Eaux-fortes
Originates, by Henry Cheffer, Cc,udebec-en-Caux, by
M. Robert Pierre Grouiller, Peniche au Bord du
Medway, by Miss Katherine Kimball, and Mr.
William Averback Levy’s La Porte de I’Eglise Notrc-
Dame a Vernon. "J ,

In the section of “ Gravure’L at the Societe
Nationale’s Salon there were few among the two
hundred and fifty odd prints displayed that did
not claim attention. In walking round the little
gallery one felt very much in tune with each
etcher. The art and ability shown in the series of
six prints by M. Auguste Lepere, one of which is here
reproduced (p. 17), fully maintained the deserved
reputation he has earned, and one’s sense of creation
and vitality was satisfied by M. George Gobo’s Port
de Rotterdam and La Grande Brasserie a Bruges ;
quietude was attained by the delicate and refined

work of M. Eugene Bejot—a good example
being the Dutch scene, Pres de Leyde, included
among our illustrations—and the poetical tem-
perament in the Bouquet de Bois, by M. Jacques
Beurdeley. Poignant in its imaginative dramatic
effect, the Sitio ! fai soif (from a series entitled
“ Les Sept Paroles ”) by Marcel Roux was specially
notable. A print entitled Sous les Cypres d’Eyoub,
an Oriental graveyard scene, by M. Alexandre
Lunois, arres,te(J. attention with an infinite fascination
by its melancholy sadness and quaint decorative
arrangement. Amongst the works by British and
American artists in this Salon the most able and
sincere were shown by Mr. Jan Gordon, Mr.
Lester G. Plornby, Mr. Herman A. Webster, Mr.
Augustus Koopman, and Mr. G. Plowman. Perhaps
the finest by Mr. Hornby was his Dans le Jardin
du Palais Royal, and by Mr. Webster La Route
de Louviers, both of which have already been illus-
trated in The Studio. Mr. Webster’s Lowenplatz-
chen made a good second to the print just mentioned.



(Socidtt ATciticnale cles Beaux-Arts)
