Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 57.1913

DOI Heft:
No. 235 (October 1912)
DOI Artikel:
Recent designs in domestic architecture
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Recent Designs in Domestic Architecture

&c. The interior is being treated in a simple but
effective manner. The living-rooms and principal
bedrooms are of ample dimensions, and there is a
commodious hall. The architect is Mr. Walter H.
Brierley, of York, and the drawing from which our
illustration is reproduced was exhibited at the
recent Summer Exhibition of the Royal Academy.

Our remaining illustrations are of two houses and
some interiors designed by an architect of Bremen,
Herr H. Wagner, an active member of that pro-
gressive organisation known as “ Der Deutsche
Werkbund,” of which an account was given in
“The Studio Year Book of Decorative Art, 1910.”
Herr Wagner has already given proof of his
abilities in the designing of large buildings, but at
present his energies are centred on the designing
and complete equipment of private dwelling-houses.
He feels deeply indebted to the teachings of the
English School of Architects, but he has always
made it his aim to work in the genuine German
spirit. Solidity of material, thorough craftsmanship,
abundance of light and air, and the planning of
pleasant gardens are some of the points on which
he lays particular stress. The illustrated house on
this page has been built for Herr Delius at Versmold,
a few miles from Bielefeld; the other, which,
with some of its rooms, is shown on the following

pages, has just been built for Herr Halbrock
at Hillegossen, near Bielefeld. Extraneous orna-
mentation has been rigidly avoided, but the red
pantile roofs and the greyish-white woodwork of
balustrades and other external fittings in them-
selves form a pleasing adornment. A feeling for
orderly arrangement is admirably counterbalanced
in the interiors by a predilection for comfortable
shapes and cheerful colours.

“ The Studio Year Book of Decorative Art,
1913,” is now in course of preparation, and the
Editor is prepared to consider designs with a view
to publication in the volume. An important section
will again be devoted to recent work in domestic
architecture, while interior decoration and the
general equipment of the home will, as before, be
fully dealt with. The work will contain numerous
examples of furniture, fireplaces, wall and ceiling
decoration, stained glass, wood-carving, metalwork,
pottery, porcelain, glassware, embroidery, textile
fabrics, &c. Designs should be sent in not later
than October 31, addressed to the Editor of
“The Studio Year Book,” 44 Leicester Square,
London. Drawings in colour of exteriors of houses
will be acceptable, while special attention will be
given to colour-schemes for domestic interiors.


