Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 57.1913

DOI Heft:
No. 238 (January 1913)
DOI Artikel:
Recent designs in domestic architecture
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Recent Designs in Domestic Architecture


Bohemian town of Pilsen, and then went to Vienna,
where his evident gilt for architecture soon secured
him the favour of Prof. Otto Wagner. Under the
guidance of this eminent architect, whose teachings
have had such far-reaching influence, not only in
Austria but in Germany and other countries of
Europe as well, Kotera soon took part in the modern
movement in architecture, together with the late
Josef Olbrich and Prof. Hoffmann. Returning to
Bohemia, his home, the change of habitat naturally
meant a turning-point in the development of his
art. For some years his countrymen absolutely
refused to recognise him. However, at the Spring
exhibitions of “ the Rudolfinum ” (the Prague
Salon) his work distinguished itself by its origin-
ality and pronounced individuality, and he was
awarded numerous prizes. The character of his
work at that period showed perhaps a tendency
towards the romantic, but a lively fancy is a
national trait of the Czechs. Some of the exhibi-
tion interiors arranged by him at this stage of his


career were illustrated in these pages at the time
(see vol. 27, pp. 143-14S) and vol. 31, pp. 85, 86).
The club-house at Prostejov was built in 1906-7.
The building comprises, besides club-rocms, a
theatre, lecture halls, a restaurant and a coffee-
room. It stands in an open space or park, and
was carried out in an unpretentious commercial
way. thereafter his work entered on a new stage
of development, beginning with the building of a
“vodarna,” or water-works, at Vrsovice, and a
villa at Cernosice, the latter built to serve as a
place of retirement in the recesses ot a forest.
Amongst his latest works may be mentioned a
music-publisher’s premises at Prague ; a bank at
Serajevo, in Bosnia; the Hotel Urban at Konig-
gratz, and the museum at Koniggriitz, which was
started in 1908, and is being now finished. The
chief part of this building is to be devoted to
pedagogic purposes, such as lecture-rooms, work-
shops, exhibition-rooms, library, and reading-
rooms. A colony of houses for workmen at Laun