Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 58.1913

DOI issue:
No. 239 (February 1913)
DOI article:
Brown, Eric: The National Art Gallery of Canada, Ottawa
DOI article:
The Arts and Crafts Society's exhibition at the Grosvenor Gallery, [2]
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The Arts and Crafts Society's Exhibition

as the claims of the younger men become strong the Victoria Museum, however magnificent com-

and urge recognition. There are fine landscapes pared to those recently vacated, can only be re-

by Blair Bruce, Barnsley, Jefferys, Brymner, garded as temporary, as they are already crowded

Brownell, Beatty, Bell Smith, and Horatio Walker; and admit of no expansion. Let us hope that

and figure pictures by Paul Peel, Henry Sandham, during the stay in Canada of the Duke and Duchess

Florence Carlyle, Laura Muntz and others. The of Connaught at least the foundation stone will be

diploma pictures are hung in three small galleries laid of a National Art Gallery which shall be a

and are principally interesting as showing the great worthy memorial both of their official presence and

strides art has made in the last thirty years. of their great interest in Canada and her art.

The water-colours are a separate section and Eric Brown,
there are interesting examples of the work of Director, National Art Gallery of Canada.
Whistler, Swan, Mrs. Stanhope Forbes, Weissen-
bach, Van Anrooy, Miss Tully and other Canadian /■ | AHE ARTS AND CRAFTS
water-colour painters. We have the nucleus of an I SOCIETY'S EXHIBITION AT
interesting collection of drawings and etchings,

some small bronzes by Swan, and good examples
of the work of Proctor, Tait, Mackenzie, Hebert


(Second Article)

and Laliberte. The display of metal work was one of the good

And what of the future ? To the future belongs the features of the recent exhibition at the Grosvenor

building of a beautiful and worthy National Gallery Gallery. It was, however, less distinguished for

where there will be room for permanent and loan novelty of design than for sound workmanship,

collections, where the national portraits can be evidence of which was apparent in the examples

fittingly seen, and where the history and progress of steel and bronze as well as in those of the more

of Canadian art in its entirety, and that of the precious metals. The numerous pieces designed

world in lesser degree, can be studied and appre- by Mr. Edward Spencer and shown by the

ciated. The Galleries now open to the public in Artificers' Guild included the trowel, mallet and

level used by h. m. the king in laying the foundation-stone of the national library of wales. designed
by edward spencer; executed by frank jobe and w. glennie, and exhibited by the artificers' guild