Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 60.1914

DOI issue:
No. 247 (October 1913)
DOI article:
Stodart-Walker, Archibald: The paintings of James Whitelaw Hamilton, A.R.S.A., R.S.W.
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James IVhitelaw Hamilton, A.R.S.AR.S.IV.

The paintings of james

A.R.S.A, R.S.W. BY A. STO-

When the Scottish Modern Arts Association
was founded in 1907 and it was decided to include
the professional element on the Provisional Com-
mittee, the representative unanimously chosen
from Glasgow and the West of Scotland, which
still asserts its independence of the East, was Mr.
Whitelaw Hamilton. This was a tribute not
only to Mr. Hamilton’s position as a painter, but
also to the honourable and distinguished work he
had undertaken on behalf of Scottish art on the
Continent, and more particularly in Italy, recog-
nition of the latter phase of his energies having
been paid by King Emmanuel in the bestowal on
Mr. Hamilton of the dignity of Cavaliere of the
Order of the Crown of Italy.

Of the original group known as the Glasgow
School, Mr. Whitelaw Hamilton is one of the very

few who now reside under the shadow of the great
commercial centre. His friends Guthrie, Walton,
Roche, Paterson, and Corsar Morton reside in
Edinburgh, Lavery and Henry are citizens of
London, and the rest, with the exception of
R. Macaulay Stevenson and David Gauld, are
scattered over various parts of the kingdom. Mr.
Whitelaw Hamilton has also the distinction of
being one of the very few—perhaps the only one
—of “The Glasgow School ” to be born in the
city which gave the name to the “ brotherhood.”
But most of his days have been spent in the sea-
side town of Helensburgh, which, owing to the
growth of the greater centre, has become almost a
suburb of Glasgow. Here, a near neighbour of
Sir James Guthrie, he works, and has established
a reputation not only as a painter but as the active
spirit amongst a remarkably musical people.

Like many other Scottish painters, Mr. Hamilton
was first engaged in business before he took up
painting as a profession. During his business
career, however, he attended classes at the Glasgow



(In the possession of W. H. Raeburn, Esq., J.P., Helensburgh)
