Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 60.1914

DOI Heft:
No. 247 (October 1913)
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work he is now doing, for Hauschild carries out all
his productions in bronze or stone by himself, in
addition to which he is a skilful worker in wood.
As has already been mentioned in this magazine,
wood-sculpture has been attracting very much
attention of late in Germany, and last year, it will
be remembered, this branch of work was a special
feature of the Grosse Berliner Kunstausstellung.
The bust of the artist’s wife reproduced on p. 68
was shown on this occasion.

Hauschild is a pupil of the great animal sculptor
Prof. Reinhold Begas, and as will be naturally
inferred from that fact, he has himself paid special
attention to the same subject. He is particularly
fond of modelling birds in quaint and curious atti-
tudes but nevertheless true to nature, and various
examples of these have been acquired by public
collections. He has taken a prominent part in many
important competitions for monumental designs
and has been the recipient of numerous prizes in
connection therewith. Among the accompanying
illustrations is shown his premiated design for a

monument to Rudolf Virchow in Berlin, on the
principal face of which is a relief portrait of the
great scientist, surmounted by a reclining figure
intended to represent suffering humanity, while
the two erect figures symbolise “ Science ” and
“ Humanity” respectively.' In a more recent com-
petition he secured the first prize and commission
for a monument to King Albert at Bautzen. It
should be remarked, apropos of such competitions
generally in Germany, that much good work is sent in
which is afterwards lost sight of because no provision
is made for the carrying out of the design. The
system is to be deplored, especially as it deters
many young artists of talent from participating on
the score of the large expense entailed.

Finally it should be mentioned that Hauschild
has produced numerous models for fountains,
among which one, a characteristic design for a
fountain to be set up in the market-place of an old
town, should be specially signalised on account of
the charming relief which forms part of it. He has
struck out a path for himself and it is due to his