Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 60.1914

DOI Heft:
No. 249 (January 1914)
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bition, the President and Vice-President—Paolo
Sala and Filippo Carcano—are still to the front in
the work of the society, and both are well repre-
sented in its third exhibition along with others who
figured in those first days, such as Bettinelli,
Beltrame, Luigi Rossi, and the indefatigable secre-
tary of the society, Renzo Weiss. The society
has, in fact, never gone back from its first opening.
In the year succeeding it showed to great advantage
in the Venice Exhibition, as well as in the annual
exhibition of the society itself at Milan in the autumn
of 1912. And it is satisfactory to note that the
exhibition which opened on November 15 last, in
the Palazzo Cova at Milan, has in the number of
exhibits, the quality of the work, and the public
appreciation, proved one of the most successful.

Before dealing with this exhibition, I think it
right to allude to the loss which the society has
lately suffered in the lamented death of Sir Alfred
East, who was one of its early members and who
exhibited at the two previous exhibitions. Sir
Alfred took the greatest interest in the progress of
the society, and I know personally—from a letter

recently received from the president—how keenly
that interest and sympathy were appreciated, so
that in alluding as I have done to his loss, I feel
sure I am only echoing the expressed feelings of
those members of the society who enjoyed the
friendship and admired both the art and the
personality of their English confrere.

I have mentioned that in the present exhibition
Paolo Sala and Filippo Carcano still lead the way.
One secret of Carcano’s art is his mastery of atmo-
sphere—a quality which finds expression in his sea-
piece (Mare) of the present exhibition and—though,
perhaps to a less extent—in his After Tennis (Dopo
il Tennis). The president has not forgotten his
London visit, of which his water-colour of the
Thames, already reproduced in these pages, and an
admirable study of the Strand, are souvenirs. His
Suir Isola dei Pescatori is a scene, most vigorous in
design, from that lovely island on Lago Maggiore
which for many years he made his home : we re-
produce both this and his admirable group, Women
of Avignon. Paolo Sala in his technique holds
strictly to pure water-colour, admitting none of


(Associazione degli Acqnarellisti, Milan)
