Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 60.1914

DOI Heft:
No. 249 (January 1914)
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Philadelphia Water Colour Club, was held in the
galleries of the Academy during November and
the first half of December. The exhibition was
larger than usual, there being 720 works exposed,
or about 125 more than on the previous occasion.
Though the standard of excellence was no higher,
there was more variety in the quality of the work
shown, and while more latitude in the field of
artistic experiment was discernible, very little was
to be seen in the way of insurgent defiance of the
conventionalities. The pictures shown were not
all painted by Americans, however, but this did not
make the exhibition any the less interesting.

A work from the hand of the lamented Gaston
La Touche entitled The Disciples at Emmaus had
the position of honour in
the largest room, a work
effective in lighting, subtle
in colour-scheme, and pos-
sessing all the qualities we
expect to see in his work.

This was flanked, as pen-
dants, by two others from the
same source, viz. Nativity
and Moonlight, both charac-
teristic of the master. M.

Emile Rene Menard ex-
hibited a beautiful work
entitled The Bathers, ap-
parently another version of
his painting with the same
title shown in the last Paris
Salon and very enticing in
the mysterious warm glow
of twilight. M. Charles
Cottet was represented by
twelve different works, in-
spired mainly from the life
of the Brittany peasant.

Particularly interesting was
his Women oj Brittany
around a Bier. Mr. Alex-
ander Robinson exhibited a
group of eight paintings in
opaque colour, delightful
as specimens of splendid
facility, refined tonality, and
effective colouring.

regard to tone and values, especially her Our Lady
of Joys. Miss Alice Schille was represented by
eight water-colours painted mostly in pure wash and
quite free and sketchy in handling, typical examples
being Old Houses and The Garden of Night. Mr.
David B. Milne also exhibited a group of works in
pure water-colour, as did Miss Anne Goldthwaite
in figure subjects, A Pink Ribbon and A Wall-
flower. Some very curious drawings of birds by
Mr. Charles Emile Heil deserve especial mention.
Mr. Fred Wagner showed a group of very attractive
little sketches, impressions of nature that were
quite comprehensible and brilliant with colour.
Mr. C. H. Woodbury sent two very interesting
representations of the open sea, one entitled The
Tramp Steamer, the other Tropical Sea. A beauti-

Miss Florence Este
showed five works, carefully
thought out and very
broadly painted, with due

■‘the disciples at emmaus”
