Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 62.1914

DOI Heft:
No. 254 (June 1914)
DOI Artikel:
Frantz, Henri: The salon of the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts in Paris
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The Salon of the Socidte' Nationale

character, and his command of technique advances
more and more towards forceful effects, towards
powerful contrasts, and towards the most daring
juxtapositions of colour. Maurice Barres dcvant
Tolede is eminently characteristic and will take its
place among the most famous productions of the
Spanish school ; nor need one bea great prophet to
foretell the widest success for Toreadors de villages.

Besnard, one of the most eminent of our con-
temporaries, sometimes exhibits in the Salon great
decorative works and at others easel pictures, all
revealing the freedom and facility of the master that
he is. This year he sends four graceful portraits of
women in which he once more affirms an originality
and style ever free from eccentricity.

Rene Menard, to whom we owe so many beautiful
decorative paintings, exhibits the panel he has been
commissioned to execute for a hall of the Faculte
de Droit in Paris. It is a twilight effect and the
work is one which appeals by its harmony and its
beautiful classicism. The same artist's Ve/u'se, vue
du campanile de Saint-Georges-Majeur is a veritable
landscape of light and of water enveloped in a kind
of golden haze.

Venice has also been the inspiration of one of
our most personal painters—Raffaelli, who, in some
bright and sparkling little pictures shows us a Venice
in winter which amazes and charms us : San Giorgio
sous la neige, le Quai des Esclavons en hiver, and
other impressions equally faithful and attractive.

The landscapists at the Nationale form a regular
pleiades of original and personal talent. M. Billotte
is a painter of delicate symphonies, delighting in
evening effects ; Le Vieux-pont aux Ande/vs, En
Charente, Avant forage au Bas-Meudon are charm-
ing impressions of nature. M. Leon Lhermitte
achieves noble effects always with the most simple
tones; his palette is invariably rich in blacks and
in varied greys. Michel Cazin takes his place
among our most eloquent painters of the sea ; M.
Lepere is this year admirably represented; M.
Eugene Clary has a very fine view of Chateau
Gaillard (J'e/it-Andely) ; M. Andre Dauchez
excels in the use of blacks and greys, and no one
renders better than he or with greater fidelity and
character the landscapes of Lower Brittany ; his
Epave, La ville close (Concarneau), and Cote de
Plomarch are works to be remembered. M. and
Mine. Duhem exhibit sunny scenes and flowery
terraces ; M. Louis Desmoulin has found inspiration
in the colonies and Madagascar in particular, for
landscapes full of character. M. Vauthrin shows
some masterly seascapes.

The Salon contains a number of memorable

portraits. M. Blanche, whose special exhibition
this year has achieved great success, shows the
portraits of Mute. Henri Germain, the Comtesse de
JVbailles, of the Princesse J. de Broglie. M. Jean
Boldini is represented only by two small canvases,
into which, however, he has put all his brilliant
virtuosity. M. de la Gandara's portrait of Mme.
feanne Kenouardt is a thing of charming grace and
fine execution." Side by side with these portraitists
other younger artists take an important place;
M. Ablett especially figures with some excellent
work, and M. William Malherbe exhibits the portrait
of Mine. Raphael Duflos, painted with a clear and
charmingly seductive palette.

An entire room has been set apart for the
decorative works of Lalique, who has hitherto shown
at the Old Salon. His appearance at the Nationale
is marked by a very important manifestation—
too important to be dealt with here—and we must
therefore reserve for a future occasion a review of
this artist's fine work. Henri Frantz.

"ondine" (marble) by e. bourgouin