Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 79.1920

DOI Heft:
No. 325 (April 1920)
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"prisoners.” by f. h. varley

(Royal Canadian Academy; see p. 78)

amateurishness which has so often been
levelled against the parson-painter by
certain critics, that he almost spoils his
case by overstating it. We owe a debt to
Mr. Napier for such a scholarly and sincere
appreciation of an interesting and dis-
tinguished artist of whom little has hitherto
been written. 0 0 0 0

En Avion ; Vols et Combats. Estampes
et recits de la Grande Guerre, 1914-1918,
par Maurice Busset, Peintre-militaire du
Musee de TAeronautique. (Paris: Li-

brairie Delagrave.) 18 francs.—This folio
album contains twenty-four large wood-
cuts, each accompanied by a page of letter-
press descriptive of the subject-matter of
the print. The work is the tribute of a
fighting airman to the memory of his
intrepid comrades of the French Flying
Corps who fell in the war, and his prints
recording some of their daring exploits
bear the unmistakable impress of actuality.
Among the incidents figured by M. Busset,
in that bold style which distinguishes his

woodcuts, are some of the most thrilling
episodes of the war in the air—as, for
instance, Guynemer's triumphant fight
with six enemy machines, and the duel in
which his death was avenged by Fonck, the
“ ace of aces/' at a height of four miles or
so. As impressions of an artist who has
had personal experience of aerial warfare
these vigorous realizations possess a unique
interest. 00000

Sketching without a Master. By J. Hul-
lah Brown. (London : T. C. and E. C.
Jack.) 6s. net.—The subject-matter of this
handbook relates wholly to pen-and-ink
work, a fact which might with advantage
have been indicated in the title, and it is also
chiefly concerned with landscape-sketch-
ing, including architectural motives. The
various aspects of the subject are handled
with admirable conciseness, and numerous
illustrations are given from drawings by the
author elucidating the principles set forth.
The book will undoubtedly prove of great
assistance to students. 000