Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 80.1920

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Paper Doll. From an Exhibition of Dolls
and Silhouettes at the Dorien
Leigh Gallery, South Kensington 188
Paulin, George Henry, A.R.S.A. Kirk-
cudbright War Memorial Group 17
Payne, Henry, A., A.R.W.S. Owlpen . 46

--The Ruined House ... 47

--Evening ..... 48

--Morning Light .... 49

Platt, John E. In Derbyshire . . . 15
Portuguese Bedsteads of Carved Brazilian

Rosewood, Eighteenth Century 106, 107

Rackham, Arthur. Doubl? Page Illustration 206
Rice, Bernard. Studies for Stained Glass

Windows "The Prodigal Son" 111
--" The Good Samaritan " Cartoon

for Stained Glass Window . 112

Roberton, A. C. Pierced Metal Brooch . 58

Robertson, Eric. The Rose Fan . . 22

Robinson, Mrs. Cayley. Pottery . . 57
Rosenstock, J. Le Pavilion Francais,

Versailles . . . .119

Sabulite, Ltd. Painted Wood Models . 75

Saltoft, Edward. The Red Army . . 29
Sandby, Paul, R.A. Group on the North

Terrace, Windsor Castle . 103, 104

Sawyer, Amy. Peacock Panel in Patchwork 153

Seewald. Bileam's Ass .... 68

Shirlow, John. Bond Street, Sydney . 38

--Prince's Bridge, Melbourne . . 39

Smart, R. Borlase, R.B.A. Commercial

Wharf, Lambhay . . . 30

- High Street, Plymouth . . . 31

Soper, George, R.E. Burning Twitch . 96

--Binding Faggots .... 97

--Feeding Cattle (1917) ... . 98

--The Count ..... 99

Stabler, Phcebe. The Young Mother . 73

Stacey, Doris. Study of an Old Woman . 74

Stoi, Elly. Linoleum Engraving . . 192
Sutherland, D. M. Midsummer Holiday

—West Coast . . . 19
--The Painting Student . . 20

Thevenaz, Paul. Decorative Panel . . 203
Thiemann, C. The Bend of the River . 69
- Canal, Stockholm. ... 72


Tito, Ettore. Portrait of Dr. Corrado Ricci 3

- Solitude..... 4

--Perseus and Andromeda . . 5

--The Farrier, Rocca di Papa . . 6

--Ritorno (The Return) . . 7

--From the Belvedere at Rocca di

Papa ..... 8
Turner, J. M. W., R.A. A Bridge in

Devonshire . . . .124

Ufer, Walter. Susanna and her Sisters . 33

Velasquez. View in the Garden of the Villa

Medici, Rome . . . 126, 128

--Portrait of Philip IV. of Spain . 127

---Portrait of the Sculptor Martinez

Montanes . . . .129

--Portrait of the Infante Balthasar

Carlos ..... 131

--Las Meninas (The Maids of Honour) 132

Waals, P. Ebony Casket .... 9
Walton, E. A., P.R.S.W., R.S.A. The

Amber Pool . . . . 18

Whiteside, Winifred. Pectoral Cross . 58
Williams, G. Alice Meredith. " Mourning

Angel" (Painted Terracotta) . 21

Williams, Winifred. Pottery ... 57
Wilson, D. Forrester. Valley of Melting

Snows . . . . .161

Wright, Nora. Woodcut 55

Zamboni, Miss. Cut Paper Silhouettes . 193

Zorn, Anders. Self-Portrait ... 94
Zubiaurre, Ram6n de. Marchandes de

Fruits a Ondarroa . . . 171

--Les Rameurs Vainqueurs . . 172

--Noces D'Or (Province de Sala-

manque) . . v. . 173

--Mercedes La Gitane . . . 174

— Valentin de. A Village Pro-
cession . . . . .166

--Types du Pays Basque . . 167

--Grand Seigneurs et Mendiants . 168

--Vieilles Lois et Fleur Nouvelle

(Biscay e)..... 169

--Pour les Victimes de la Mer. , 170