Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 80.1920

DOI Heft:
No. 329 (August 1920)
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Mr. Frederic Whiting's Moyra deserves
especial notice, as does Mr. Michael
Ancher's Self Portrait. Fine in colour
were Mr. Frank Brangwyn's canvas The
Topers ; Mr. Charles Cottet's Jeune fille au
collier d'ambre ; and Mr. Childe Hassam's
Tanagra. Two charming idylls were Mr.
E. A. Hornel's Coming of Spring, and
M. Henri Martin's Arbor in Summer, a

The number of landscapes was rather
limited, but American work was well
represented by Mr. Gardner Symon's
Through Sunlit Hills, Mr. Daniel Garber's
Orchard Window, and the Swedish
school, grouped in a separate room,
by the beautiful canvas of M. Fjaestad's
Hoarfrost, and Anna Boberg's pictures of
the Lofoten Mountains. a 0 a

In conclusion it must be said that the
admirable combination of International
Art here offered for the pleasure and
education of the public was due to the


untiring efforts, since last September, of
Mr. John W. Beatty, the Director of Fine
Arts of the Carnegie Institute and of his
efficient assistant, Mr. Robert B. Harshe.
One saw here no sign of the extravagances
of the modern revolutionists that have been
so much in evidence in many of our recent
picture shows. They have their place,
no doubt, but surely would not have har-
monized with what was displayed in this
exhibition. E. C.

MADRID.—Though the biographical
history of art abounds with in-
numerable instances of men who, having
been trained for some other calling or
profession, have relinquished it and giving
rein to their innate impulses have gained
a reputation as artists, yet the cases are
extremely rare of the successful pursuit
of art concurrently with another and