Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 80.1920

DOI issue:
No. 330 (September 1920)
DOI article:
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over, was the retrospective exhibition of independants with the official salons, but

works by deceased masters who were the connection is far from being effected,

members—Carriere, Puvis de Chavannes, and perhaps it is undesirable that it should

Roll, Stevens, Alexandre Charpentier, ever be effected. The young men

Rodin, Sisley, La Touche, Cazin, Dalou, detest—and quite rightly—all this system

Carolus-Duran, Meissonnier and Duez. of awards, medals, mentions, etc., which

The works of MM. Lucien Simon, Aman- has. remained an appanage of the Artistes

Jean, Besnard, Le Sidaner, Emile Claus, Francais ; they resent it as an invasion

Duhem, Maurice Denis, Paul Baudouin, of their independence. It cannot be

Dinet, Charles Guerin, Van Dongen, denied that this spirit marks an improve-

Sureda, Raffaelli, Rene Menard, and Mile, ment in artistic manners. The system is,

Boznanska all deserved particular attention, indeed, very harmful because of the base

albeit they did not tell us anything new expedients which it compels those artists

about these artists, whose merits are well who still submit to it to adopt; but that

known and generally acknowledged. One is, after all, their own concern, and if they

cannot expect an artist to be always like to submit, they may. 00a

changing, and we are only too happy when It was to be expected that works in-

he maintains his own high standard, as spired by the great war would be very

is the case with the artists just named, numerous at both salons, and this was

As to any revelations, they were unfortu- especially so at that of the Artistes

nately absent; the young artists turn Francais, but proof was afforded that

more and more to the Salon d'Automne, military painting is powerless to create

which thus becomes a means of linking the great and beautiful works of art. 0 0


"fete venitienne," by
francois flame'ng

(Society des Artistes Francais)