Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

The Studio yearbook of decorative art — 1906

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On the interior arrangement and decoration of the house
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Interior Arrangement and Decoration

Spanish leather, chiefly
blue and gilt, is figured
on the walls of the dining-
room, already mentioned
(p. 16), by Messrs. Liberty,
where it is banded and
nailed in position. But
genuine old Spanish leather
is rare and costly, and the
majority of householders
would have, therefore, to
content themselves with a
cheaper substitute, which
may be found in Japanese
leather-paper and similar
materials manufactured in
this country. Again, in
the dining-room designed
by Mr. Leonard Wyburd,

dining room designed and executed by illustrated later ■ on, the

waring & gillow, ltd., manciiester frieze decoration is carried

out in plain leather, studded
with bronze nails. Green

and, as such alone, it is a pity that it should be morocco leather, surmounted by a frieze of beaten
allowed to fall into neglect. But its decorative copper, is introduced with good effect for lining
properties are so rich and so manifold that the walls of a billiard-room (p. 50), designed by
heraldry would repay greatly extended cultivation Mr. C. J. Harold Cooper, architect,
and development in the sphere of ornamental design. Another kind of treatment, effective yet simple,

dining room of a country house


designed and executed
by warings, london