Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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to oscillate almost simultaneously between fascinating success and
disconcerting error.

We reproduce from the work of M. Sauvage (F 10) a very
practical and very original nursery. As architect, and in col-
laboration with M. Sarrazin, he has succeeded in giving an
interesting solution to the almost insoluble problem of the seven-
storey building.

Among the designers of hangings, carpets, and printed materials
the name of M. Antoine Jorrand comes first to mind ; while glass-
work at once suggests M. Dammouse, M. Decorchemont, M. Daum
and M. Despret ; porcelain is associated with M. Naudot and
M. Doat ; brass-ware with M. Bonvallet; lace designing with
M. Paul Mezzara (F 35 to 37), whose work reveals remarkable
fertility of invention and delicacy of eye. He is the unquestionable
master of lace and kindred work. His art is allied at times to the
magnificent Venetian points and to the South Flanders linen, but
his natural originality always refreshes and renews entirely the
conception of his designs. Mile. Madeleine Bunoust (F 38) is
one of his followers. She is still too young to have been able to
reveal all her originality, but one can appreciate what is pleasing
in her work.

Among the textile designers is a woman, Mme. Ory Robin
(F 33 and 34), who has won for herself a prominent position by
her tapestries, which, composed of vegetable fibres of purest tone,
relieved here and there with threads of gold and silver, produce
the most exquisite and astonishing polychromatic effects. The
work is exclusively personal, only to be executed by the artist
herself, and it exacts in consequence unusual patience and energy.
But how beautiful is the result ! These tapestries do not resemble
in any way those which were once made at the Gobelins and at
Beauvais. Nevertheless they are of the same family, and may
take their place beside them.

M. Blondat's fountain (F 27 and 28) is extremely5graceful, like
almost all the work this artist has produced. It will be noticed with
what ingenuity, coupled with respect for truth, he has given to the
three little girls the movement and flexion of their young bodies.

Bronze work, door locks, &c, bring up the name of M. Bour-
gouin, whose latest exhibit at the Salon was a veritable revelation,
and those of M. Scheidecker and M. Schenk (F 24), the last of
whom has for a long time past made a delightful speciality of this
kind of work without detriment to his more important labours. In
iron-work the grilles of M. Robert have artistic qualities, so
strongly marked that one would like to describe them in detail.
