Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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f" 1“"^ HOUGH Austria of to-day is but a tithe of what she once was,
one thing still remains intact within her narrowed frontiers, the
love of her people for the beautiful and their attitude towards
the arts and crafts. Through all these years of storm and stress
her artists have never ceased producing lovely objects, her craftsmen and
craftswomen have been urging their utmost to express in their work the ful-
filment of the ideals contained in the artists’ designs. The Austrian still
possesses the “ hand of dainty cunning ” and is ever awake to the moment
when the last touch should be given—that and no more. It is this quality
which adds to the intrinsic value of an object, and enables it to stand the
test of all time like the work of the great master-craftsmen throughout the
The Vienna arts and crafts have won fame wherever they are known, and
during these last two or three years they have made their way across
distant seas there to achieve further fame, for the name “Vienna” is
synonymous with beauty of design, beauty of manipulation and beauty of
finish. To this should be added beauty of materials, for exquisiteness of
workmanship and design ennobles the material. The fact that the Vienna
School produces true designers and, at the same time, skilful craftsmen and
craftswomen to carry out their designs has added not a little to the success
of its work. Of late numerous artists have set up their own workshops,
where excellent work is being produced; the Wiener Werkstatte still
keeps up its old traditions, and is moreover extending its sphere of work ;
while the Osterreichischer Werkbund serves as a centre of distribution, for
most of the artists are members of this Guild and none may join it who are
not artistically efficient. This organization has done its part to make the
Austrian arts and crafts living and virile, for it has helped to create a de-
mand for perfection of design and workmanship, and to cultivate a taste for
the best. The illustrations here reproduced will serve to prove what has
just been said.
Most of those who have contributed by their own lofty ideals in raising the
Vienna School to its present high standing are happily still living and
working : Alfred Roller, Josef Hoffmann, Powolny, Hoppe, Kammerer,
Schonthal, Dr. Oskar Strnad, Dr. Josef Frank, Witzmann, Jirasko, Otto
Prutscher, Rosa Neuwirth, Dagobert-Peche, Karl Klaus, Zovelli, Elsa
Stubchen-Kirchner, Emmy Zweybriick, Emil Meier and his gifted wife.
There are too many even to mention names alone. But whether of the
new or of the older school, be they architects or craftsmen, they love work
for the intrinsic pleasure it gives them.
